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WARNINGS: swearing ,blood , fighting
I'm looking at my new house with my mom next to me while some men are unloading the moving van. It actually wasn't that bad of a house. I heard something from the house next door so I turned to see a girl coming out of her house. She had a basket I'm not sure why but it had a red bow on top with a pretty pink letter inside the basket. She had high waisted ripped jeans with a Mickey Mouse crop top sweater on and some black converse. She actually looked like a real badass. I heard faint yelling once she opened the the door. A head appeared from one of the windows on the top of the house. It was a teenage boy with brown hair. He yelled at her to fuck off while he showed her his middle finger. She stopped in the middle of her drive way and screamed " PINCHE IDIOTA CÁLLATE LA PINCHE BOCA WEY" he seemed pissed off by that statement. (Fucking idiot shut your fucking mouth dude) she then grabbed a glass cup from somewhere and threw it next to the window. My mom and me watched as it shattered into a million little pieces next to the teenage boy's head. We just watched the scene unravel. The teenage boy stuck his head out the window and screamed "AHÍ VOY POR TI VAS A VER" (Im coming for you just you see) The girl just seemed annoyed and rolled her eyes. She walked to her gate and placed her basket down she then walked back to where she was before. We didn't know what was going to happen so we just waited for a couple seconds until her brother came out and tackled her to the ground. She punched him in the jaw causing him to fall next to her. He immediately punched her back in the Cheek and she tackled him to the ground and with her knee hit in where the sun doesn't shine (dick just Incase you didn't know) she kept punching him and he managed to punch  her a couple of time in the face. By now everyone stopped to look a little scared of them. I mean who wouldn't they could be siblings fighting like this and I thought me and my brother didn't get along. My mom grabbed my shoulder protectively just in case with one hand and covered her mouth with the other. She whispered "Where are there parents?" I couldn't answer that although I've been wondering that myself. Half way through the fight an older boy came out and saw what was going on it looked like he didn't want to interfere as if he was a little scared of ... of the girl? Not much time after he called out some boys who were walking down the street. It looks like there Fiends. They all gave each other a knowing look and pulled the girl and the boy apart. They stopped fighting the teenage boy had a bleeding nose, black eye, bleeding mouth, and many forming bruises in his arm. The girl, she had blood coming out of one of her eyes which made her look like she was crying but instead of tears it was blood, she had a bruise in her cheek, and the same with her mouth a little stream of blood on one side of her mouth, she also had bruised and bloody knuckles.
I wonder if she's ok? Was this normal? We saw the girl talk to the older boy and his friends I'm guessing to explain what happened. She pointed to the basket, the window, the broken glass and lastly to the boy. It looks like she didn't get in trouble but the boy did. They all dragged him inside for starting the fight. She quickly dusted herself off. By this time my men that were loading the stuff left because they were done.
The girl accidentally smeared blood from her knuckles to her finger tips. I looked at the ground and saw spots of blood. She went towards her gate, picked up her basket and headed towards us? She came in front of my mom, brother, dad and me with a small smile. "Hi there I'm Y/N umm.. your new neighbor I baked y'all some cookies I didn't know what kind you liked so I um.. I made many different kinds" she introduced herself we could tell it was sincere so we slowly became less and less tense. "- oh and I'm sorry for that I didn't mean to scare you my brother can be stupid at times or all the time but trust me I'm not a mean person" again we saw it was sincere so we stopped being so tensed up . My mom smiled and said "it's ok?"  But it sounded more like a Question than a statement.
I quickly took over and introduced all of us. She looked at her basket and handed it to my dad. My dad seemed to smile at the basket when he realized his favorite cookies there somewhere. I guess he likes her already. My mom took a good look at her face as did I.  Y/N, such a pretty name and a pretty girl. I also saw her bloody face. My mom spoke up and asked about her face she  even offered to clean her up and for her to stay for dinner. I blushed at the thought of Y/N staying Over for dinner. Y/N seemed shocked by what my mom said but still responded saying " Oh no I wouldn't wanna be a bother" my mom said "nonsense you aren't a bother come on Nick help me clean her up" with that she took Y/N to the bathroom and cleaned her up. Y/N is really nice from what I've seen so far. She's seems to get along fine with my mom from what I can see.
I was in the restroom with Ms. Wolfhard and Nick. They were cleaning me up. I recognized them so I said "you and Finn are famous actors am I right?" They seem to freeze scared of what I was going to do. I just said " that's cool must be nice having everyone love you" they seemed relieved that I wasn't a hardcore fan screaming because I met them. They quickly shook it off and started asking me asking questions like how old I was, hobbies, and so on but one question struck me hard. When she asked were my parents where. I froze. I couldn't tell her my mom died and that my dad left a couple years ago and left me with my 2 brothers.Here.Alone. I just said my mom died and my dad was in a business trip so he's not around much. I really didn't wanna lie to her but If i don't she might separate us and stick us in group homes. I'm not letting that happen. I'm a good liar. I'm not sure why but I can lie real quickly and by the looks of it she belived it. She gave me a sympathetic smile and said " It's ok sweetheart I'll be like the mom you deserve" that comment struck me super hard. I smiled and cried while I leaned off the counter to hug her and grabbed my locket with one hand. Nick stroked my head and said " I'll be like your brother not that low-life that picks fights with you but better" by now I was full on crying. I managed to say " thanks Ms.Wolfhard" she looked at me and said "it's ok call me mom if you like" I was so grateful for them. After I told mom I would help her make dinner since nobody was helping her but she said no I told her I'll make the desert. I insisted to make desert and she finally agreed. I made chocolate lava cakes and brownies. By the time dinner was over everyone was saying how the desert smelled good and once they finished they wanted more. Ms.Wolfhard said I can come back anytime. I smiled at that comment as everyone agreed that I should come more often.
It was time to go so I left right after I helped clean dishes. I didn't wanna stay in my room locked up so I climbed to the roof of my home to look at the stars nothing new really but it amazes me every time how many beautiful starts there are. I just noticed I should've warned them about next week and what happens every about every day that ends with 2. Oh well I'll tell them tomorrow.

Part 2 coming soon

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