Chapter 7: New Seeker

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The rest of the week went by in a flash. Briana was relieved when it was finally Saturday.

Briana woke up early and fetched her broom. She put on her green and silver robes. Today would be her first day of Qudditch practice back at Hogwarts. Qudditch was the most popular sport in the wizarding world. Briana played chaser for the Slytherin team. She had become the youngest witch ever to get on the House Teams. Harry had as well. He played Seeker for Gryffindor.

Briana walked into the into the courtyard where the rest of her team were waiting. Sadly, Briana was the only girl on her team. All the other Slytherins were huge and muscular, except for a smaller boy sitting with them. It was Malfoy.

"Their you are, Briana," Peter said. Peter was Ashley's brother. He was also the Captain of the Slytherin Qudditch team. Peter was also a Chaser.

The rest of the Qudditch team was already there. The other Chaser, Hudon was talking to their Beaters, O'Ryan and Dolohov. Their Keeper, Flint, was talking to Malfoy.

"Alright, you lot, lets go."

Peter led the way down to the field. Briana walked next to him, knowing no one else on the Qudditch team really liked her at all except for him.

Briana looked ahead and saw that their was already people on the field. Blurs of red and gold flew across the field.

"Peter, someone else is already using the field," Briana said.

"I've got it under control," Peter assured.

Briana knew it was Gryffindor. This was just perfect.

Oliver Wood, the keeper and team captain of the Gryffindor team, had landed and was waiting for them. George and Fred Weasley were by him. Harry looked uncomfortably at her from beside Wood. Briana watched as Angelina Love, Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet all came over to join there team.

"What do you think you're doing, Peters?" Wood asked.

"Came here to practice," Peters said.

"I pitched the field for today!" Wood looked annoyed.

"Easy Wood. I got a note," Peter handed it to Wood.

Oliver read it aloud, "I Severus Snape grant the Slytherin team time to practice on Saturday in order to train there new seeker," Wood looked up, "Who's your new Seeker?"

Peter stepped aside so Malfoy could come up.

"Malfoy?" Harry said in disbelief.

Briana hadn't told Harry yet. Not about Malfoy or her new broomstick. Harry already seemed bad enough about everything else with Lockhart and Colin Creevey bugging him all the time.

"Aren't you Lucius Malfoy's kid?" George asked in disgust.

"Speaking of Malfoys father," Flint said, "Look what he gave to us."

Everyone, but Briana showed off their brand new broomstick. No one on the Gryffindor team spoke.

"Look. Here comes back up," Flint muttered.

Ron and Hermione had ran onto the field to see what was going on.

"Malfoy?" Ron said in disbelief.

"That's right. I'm the new Slytherin Seeker."

Ron was ignoring him and was staring at the Nimbus 2001s.

Malfoy followed his gaze, "That's right, Weasley. Unlike yours, my father can afford the best."

"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in," Hermione said, "They got in on talent."

Briana always felt awkward in these exchanges.

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