2: The Stranger

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You woke up, as your eyes gradually opened you was expecting to be wet from the damp cobbles you slept on, you expected bin bags around you, rats. There was none of that, it was white, a 4 post bed... a stranger sat in the chair next to you.

"HOLY SHIT WHERE AM I!?" You shot up sitting to attention.

"Gosh, calm down your safe now"

You looked at the stranger next to you. Combed black hair, eyes that seemed to go on forever, so intense.

"P-put me back on the street, thankyou" You was never one for free hospitality.

He leaned into you. "Sorry hun, there is no chance of that happening, he messed up your face a little didn't he"

You put your hand to your face to feel the small cut on your cheek.

"Im fine, please"

He looked at you and gave a devilish smile.

"I know exactly whats happened, your too dangerous to be on the streets, please stay here honey"

You looked into his eyes to see if he was trustworthy or not... you seen nothing.

"I don't even know your name"

"James Moriarty, but you honey can call me Jim"

"I would ask for yours (y/n) but i already know all about you"

You looked at him a little freaked out.

"H-how do you know my name?"

"You worked for Sherlock Holmes... Baby i know everything"

Something about him lured you in, you wasn't quite sure how you felt, but you know your feelings are strong.

"(Y/n) when did you last eat?"

Honestly, you cant remember. With Sherlock you was used to not eating for days unless you did shopping, but the fridge was usually occupied by a head or some other decapitated body part.


He looked at you and shook his head.

"You can tell you know, your all bone now come on"

You noticed you was in bed clothes... did he change you?

Never the less, you followed him into the kitchen.

"W-why are you helping me?..."

He ignored you and put the toast in the toaster.

"What do you like with your toast? We have pretty much anything"

You had no idea what you put on toast...

"Um, whatever usually goes on toast"

He looked at you confused as hell.

He put the toast with butter on in front of you, the smell makes you feel nauseous. You ate it slowly bite by bite, you felt like you was going to be sick.

"You are very malnourished, since you are now here, that will change"

"What makes you think im staying here"

He smiled.

"I know you will"

You felt the nausea build up to the point of dizziness.

"D-do you have a bathroom?"

"Yes, through there"

You ran to the bathroom and instantly threw up in the toilet, that toast did not agree with you.

You coughed up what you could, the more that came up the more you felt better.

A hand rested on your shoulder and pulled you up.

"No, no no darling. You have to keep it down, i know your not used to it but you have to try okay?"

You nodded as the nausea drifted away.

*to be continued*

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