Chapter 1

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(Y/N) Your Name

(Y/C) Your Channel name

2018 was bliss. You were famous Youtuber, a gamer if you will. Your Channel, (Y/C), blew up after you were in one of The Pal's videos. You even soon got into a relationship with one of the most funniest of them-- granted they were all funny, but this one caught your eye-- Corl. That was a fun conversation.

You were playing Roblox with the guys, and Corl announced his love for you. And it was all of a sudden like:

"Oops, I set a building on fire. Sue me." You sarcastically say into the mic.

"Gosh, I could just kiss you, (Y/N)." You hear Corl's voice.

Did he really just say that? Nah, You think, he's just joking. Never would you ever dream of Corl telling you he loves you. I mean-- he's been your crush for years now.

Then of course, Denis butted in, "Oooh! (Y/N) and Corkie Boy sitting in a tree--"

"K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Alex and Sketch joined in.

You and Corl blush deeply. After a while of the joke dying down, Corl changes the talking channels so it was just you two. You look at Corl's Roblox character waiting for the mood to set.

"(Y/N)." He began.


"This is the most cheesiest thing I've ever done." His voice wavered off.

"I bet it is." You remark.

"I love you?" You pause to let him continue, "You're just so sarcastic and funny. You're my type of girl. So I love you, yeah, yeah! I love you, (Y/N)!"

You smiled when you hear his enthusiasm. This was the moment you've been waiting for. It was romantic too. Just like a Hallmark Movie. You, (Y/N), dreamed about this perfect moment since you read stories about princesses and knights and dragons. Your storybook dream came true: A princess, your knight, and Frank the dragon.

"I love you too, Cronk."


Now it was 2020. The perfect time to mention that Sub's failed experiment has created a zombie virus. You, Sketch, Alex, Denis, Corl, and Sub were on a trip in London. You and Corl rested on the couch, and your head rested on his shoulder. Denis an Alex were preparing lunch in the kitchen, and Sketch was still asleep-- at 12:00 in the afternoon. Finally; Sub was doing god knows what! You heard an explosion from Elijah's room. You turn around to look at the others before you all race up the stairs.

Denis slammed the door open, "What the heck is--" He gasps. You turn to see Elijah, but not a normal, fair skin, fluffy hair, darling Elijah. No, this Elijah's eye's were hazy and glazed over, not showing any sign of his hazel brown ones; his hair was a same; and his skin was a fleshy greenish shade; part of his arm of completely green. It looked like a toxin was eating him from the inside out. He was staring directly at the door, almost insane. It was quite a shock for all of you.

"Sub, what did you do to him!" Alex knitted his eyebrows.

In the corner of the bedroom, Sub huddled and rocked back and forth.

"I d-didn't k-kno-w." He stuttered, "I-I di-dn't-t kn-ow. What have I done?" He wailed the last words.

You grabbed your phone, "I'm go-going--" you tremble, looking at Sketch, "I'll call 9-1-1." You turn away from the door, and slam your back against the cold wall. After each quavering breath you take, your heart pounds faster and faster! Corl hugs you, saying things like "Baby, it's okay." and "(Y/N), don't you worry. Sketch is going to make through it. He always does." That doesn't seem to help.

You can hear Denis trying to coax Sub into coming out. He succeeded. You could hear the door slam shut and lock after Sub got out. When the police arrive, you show videos, and described what happened. They decided to call in the real professionals. When they got Sketch into the truck, Alex sobbed into Denis' chest.

You slapped Sub across the face, "Why the crap?" You glared, "What the heck were you thinking Sub!"

Sub touched the area where he was slapped, "I-I'm s-so sorry. This isn't how I wanted it to go."

"Then how did you want it to go?"

He explained the story, " I was messing around with different realities, like the Quantum Realm (Marvel XD), I thought I could access the Core: the database for universes, Narnia's there too. I tested potions that could turn anything into a creature from any world.

"I made a monster, a Frankenstein, and a virus. I placed them all into their own prison cells. The virus found a way to escape one night, and over the few 12 hours infected Sketch. He kept gripping at his throat for help, but I could do nothing. I just sat watched as a virus-- a living demon-- control my friend! I did nothing. And here we are." He stretched the last 4 words.

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