2: Game Time

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"Half of you move to one end of the room and the other half go to the other side," instructed the boss.

"Excuse me, when will the secret Santa take place?" Asked one person.

"On Friday, before your vacation. So, you have four days to find a small gift worth $15," explains the boss.

"What if we leave before Friday?" Ella asks.

"You don't have to be a part of the secret Santa then," the boss answers.

"Yes," Ella says under her breath.

"Lucky," I whisper causing her to chuckle.

"Alright, everyone on the left side of the room write your names on a small piece of paper that my assistant will pass out. Then put the pieces of paper into the hat that my other assistant is carrying," instructs the boss.

After a few minutes everyone is done and the boss focuses on the other side. I'm on this side and we repeat the same actions that the others did.

When done, the boss grabs the hat full of names, "I will come around with the hat, everyone pull a piece of paper out. You will be the secret Santa for this person."

Just as I am about to grab a piece of paper, one of my coworkers, Martin, snatches it away. I grab the one beside it and pull it out. I walk over to Ella and open the wrinkled ball of paper.

I gasp loudly gathering Ella's attention. She grabs the paper from my hand.

"Holy shit, you got...," I quickly stop her from saying the name as I cover her mouth.

She murmurs against my hand and I let go so I can hear what she says.

"Sorry that i almost gave it away. Lucky you though, now is your chance to get on her good side," Ella suggests.

We head back to work and I try to come up with ideas of things to give her, but I can't think of anything. I take out the little piece of paper from my pocket and open it reading Brooklyn's name.

I put the paper on my desk and sneakily take out my phone to text Ella.

Me:What the hell am I supposed to get for Brooklyn?

Ella: How about flowers? ;)

Me: Really, Ella?!?! No!

Ella: Fine, fine... How about you get a Christmas card declaring your crush on her? :D

Me: I hate you.

Ella: Love ya too, buddy!!!

I put my phone away and get back to work, but Brooklyn is in the back of my mine. I still have no idea what i want to get her.

A few yours later my shift ends so i walk out of the company with Ella. We say our goodbyes and part ways to get home. 

I pull up to my apartment building and park in the basement parking level and hop out of my car. I take the elevator since i am in no mood to walk up the stairs and get off on the fourth floor.

I walk down the hallway to my apartment and open the door to be greeted by my cat, Mia. I pick her up and cradle her in my arms as i close the door behind me and walk into my living room. I carefully put Mia on the couch and i scoot over to the right to lay down on the couch with her.

"It's been a long day," i tell Mia as she stares at me. She meows and walks over to nuzzle my nose.

Just as i am about to relax and take a nap the phone starts ringing. I sigh and slowly sit up to grab my purse and look for my phone. I find it and check who is calling.

It's my mom. Great.

"Hey, mom," i answer.

"Hello, sweetie. I was just calling to see how you are," my mom replies. My mom never calls to see just how i am, she only calls for big reasons.

"I'm good mom, thank you," i say.

"That's nice, Elliot. So, you're coming to the Christmas party next week, right?" she says. 

"Yeah, i am," i reply sourly.

"Good! So, are you going to bring anyone special that we should meet?" my mom asks enthusiastically.

I sigh, "No, mom. I'm not seeing anyone now."

"That's too sad sweetie. You're almost twenty-six years old, if you don't start looking for someone you will end up an old cat lady," she says.

I look over at Mia and she meows loudly, "I know she's mean," i say pretending to understand my cat.

"What was that, sweetie?" asks my mom.

"Oh, nothing. And i know, mom, but i'm just waiting to find the right person."

"Sweetie, waiting for the right person isn't good. You're being too picky. How about you let me set you up with some of my friends's sons?"

"No, mom. I told you, i'm not really interested in guys."

"Oh come on, you just haven't given any guy a chance. You might be surprised that guys are in fact nice," my mom suggests.

"Debatable," i reply.

"Don't worry, i'll set you up with a nice handsome man soon," my mom adds.

"No, don't do that, mom."

"I'll plan the whole date for you," she says not listening to me at all.

I sigh and say, "Look i have to go, but we'll talk soon."

"Okay, sweetie. Bye, i love you!"

"Bye, love you too," i add before hanging up the phone.

I lay back down on the couch and grab a pillow to yell out all my frustrations into.

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