9: Christmas Tree

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Elliot's view

I push Brooklyn out the door and down the hallway. "How about you do the shopping and I stay home," she suggests.

"No can do Brooklyn. Christmas shopping is part the Christmas spirit. You being in the holiday spirit is the goal," I explain as we enter the elevator.

"I don't think it will put me in a great mood. Watch out to the opposite," she groans.

The elevator doors close and I take advantage of the privacy and close situation with her. I turn around to face her and give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Give it a chance, for me," I beg her.

Brooklyn gets over her initial shock of the random kiss and sighs yes. "There better be more kisses later then," she mumbles under her breath, but I hear her.

"Believe me, plenty of kissing. Everywhere, not just on the cheek," i tease making her blush.

"Aww, look who's blushing now," i add raising my hand to pinch one of her cheeks.

Brooklyn smacks my hand away and argues, "I'm not!"

"Yeah, you were, babe," I reply smirking at her.

Brooklyn narrows her eyebrows and looks at me with fury in her eyes. She takes a step towards me and I take a step back. My back hits the side of the elevator and Brooklyn keeps getting closer until she is more centimeters away.

"Look who's blushing now, babe," she makes sure to emphasize the last word.

"Only blushing because you're in my personal space," I counter.

"Sure about that?" Brooklyns asks while staring at my lips.

The elevator doors open and I maneuver around her to get out. "Christmas shopping remember," I say trying to change the topic.

Brooklyn sighs, "We can't keep dancing around the question of why we are blushing. We both know why."

"I know, but I'm not about to give you the satisfaction by saying it out loud or by giving in first," I reply extending my hand for her to grab.

"I'm not going to give in first, Elliot."

"Good," I reply as she grabs my hand and I lead her to my car. We get in and I reverse out of the parking spot then head out to a store.

After a few mins we finally get to the mall. I park and as I'm about to get out Brooklyn asks, "What are we going to get first?"

"A tree," I say getting out of the car and locking it after Brooklyn gets out. She gives me a dumbfounded expression and comments, "You do know that we have to go to a tree farm to get a tree, right?"

"You reminded me that Christmas is in a few days, so where the hell do you think we will actually find a good enough tree? The only left over trees at any farms will be the worst ones," I answer her.

"Oh, then we're getting a fake tree?" She asks me.

"Bingo," I reply pushing her into the store. I lead her to the Christmas decoration aisle and look through the shelves for a fake tree.

"Found it," Brooklyn replies after a while. I walk over to her and it's the very last one on the shelf.

"Look, it's a miracle. The last one, just for us. It's a sign that for you," I comment.

"Yeah right," she says scoffing. I guess it's going to take a lot to get her in the Christmas spirit.

I get closer to her and wrap my arms around her waist. She stiffens in my embrace in shock. "Can you please try to keep an open mind for me?" I beg her.

"Come on, Elliot. What's the point?" She asks.

I guess its ready for stage two of pleading. I let one hand go of her waist so I can push her hair away from her neck. Once her neck is bare i lean forward to place a few kisses. "Please, have an open mind. Please," I beg again through kisses.

Brooklyn relaxes to my touch now and I can tell she is trying hard not to moan. I got her right where I want her to. I know she would rather say yes instead of moan and show me signs of how I make her feel.

"Fine," she finally says.

"Fine what?" I press.

Brooklyn sighs then mumbles, "Fine, I'll try to be more open to the Christmas spirit."

"Yay," I squeak out before kissing her cheek and pushing her aside so I can put the box ch containing the fake tree into the shopping cart.

"No more using kisses to get me to do what you want. Its incredibly unfair," Brooklyn comments.

"Its only unfair if the kisses make you realize how much I mean to you. Would you like to tell me how you feel?" I tease.

"No, I'm not going to lose this game," she replies.

"Fine, then. You can help me pick out ornaments for the tree now," I say dragging her to the next aisle. She groans behind me and follows without another word.

Torturing her is fun. Also, spending time with her is fun too, but I won't tell her that just yet. I'm not telling her how she makes my heart beat a million miles a minute when we get so close or that she causes butterflies whenever she says my name. Not going to tell her how much I crave her touch and how I desperately want to kiss her and push her against a wall. No, I'm not telling her yet.

And it's got nothing to do with pride. I would tell her in a second of what she makes me feel, and I know she feels the same way, but she's stubborn. She wouldn't admit it because she always needs to be on top, she always wants to be right and in charge. I'm not going to back down just because I like her.

Things are about to be interesting since I don't think she is going to budge anytime soon.


Author note: Elliot or Brooklyn? Or both? Which one are you more into? Or more alike?

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