Fall in love with someone?Thats normal.
Fall in love with Taehyung?Thats hard for me.
Taerin,a famous female model fall in love with her colleagues,the most handsome guy,Kim Taehyung.
She has crush on Taehyung since she worked at the same agency wit...
LISTEN TO THE SONG TOO.✔ (THIS LOVE-DAVICHI )MissWolf01😂👌 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
"Yahhh,I talked to you all but you all didnt listen to me.You all didnt pay attention when I am talking.I already told that I am leaving but you all dont listened to it.All of your eyes,ears just at Eunha.And now,You want to blame me?"I said and tears fall down my cheeks.
I cant hold it anymore.They all shock with what I have said.I run to my room and lock the door.
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I sit down infront the door.I hug my legs and cry on it.I cry heavily again and again.I never believe this is going to be happen.
Dont they see it?They just blaming me even they are the once who is wrong.
3 knocks on my door making me stop crying for a while.
"Taerin...please open the door"I hear Chaehyun eonni's voice,asking me to open the door.
I just keep quiet,didnt answer her.
I feel so bad for making Taerin crying. I am sorry Taerin.I was wrong.I mean,we were wrong.Sorry for blaming you.
She runs to her room and crying.I am worry about her.I'm worry if she gets sick.
And she locked the door.So,Chaehyun workhard to ask her to open the door.This is all our fault.
"Taerin..please open the door..we need to talk"Chaehyun said.
"I think Jihye must be upset too.Thats why she leave without telling us."Jimin said.
"Yes,she was happy before this.But then,after Eunha appeared, she looked so sad.Same with Taerin."Jungkook said.
"Eunha?We are just friend.Why she want to be upset?"I ask.
"Are you sure,just friend?I looked she always touching you everytime.Everyone noticed it."Jimin said .
"Hey,Taehyung.I know you love Taerin and she loves you too.But,when she looked you two like that,of course she became upset."Jungkook said and I shock.Since when they know that we two love each other?
"I m-made her u-upset?"I ask them and they nod. Actually,Eunha is my crush before this.I didnt confess at her.But then,Taerin comes into my life and I want to love her till end.
And now,Eunha comes back that made my feeling mix up.I love Taerin but Eunha is my crush.What should I do?
"just leave me alone!"I said .I am better to be alone. Having them,just wasting my time being marginalized.
"Taerin,we are sorry."Chaehyun eonni said. I am sorry to for making this stuff.I dont really mean to do this but its forcing me.