Fall in love with someone?Thats normal.
Fall in love with Taehyung?Thats hard for me.
Taerin,a famous female model fall in love with her colleagues,the most handsome guy,Kim Taehyung.
She has crush on Taehyung since she worked at the same agency wit...
I see Chaehyun and Jungkook already take their seats.A waiter help me with my own seat.I choose a table with two seats.
"Thank you"I said and smile to the waiter and he smile back.
"Can I have your orders?"He asks me and give me the menu. I take the menu and search whatever I want.
I jungshook looking at the price.I gulp and look at Chaehyun direction.And she looks back at me.
She mouths 'Just order.'I relief and just order what I want.After I've done,The waiter goes back to the kitchen to prepare my orders.
My table and Chaehyun's table is not that far.Just ,My table is behind the big flower pot.So,Jungkook can't see me.
I watch their actions and they look so cute.I smile a bit cuz Jungkook gonna be my brother in law. HAHAHHA,nah I'm kidding.
"Ehemm!"Suddenly,I heard someone coughing behind me.I turn back and see....
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"Oh-..oppa!"I shock and cover my mouth.He looks at me weirdly and stare.Yeah..Stare right in to my eyes.
"What are you doing here?"He asks me coldly. He looks mad at me.But why?I did nothing wrongs.
"I-i...just..I"He cuts me. "You what?Have a date with guy?"He said.Excuse me??
"Duh,No.You're my only guy."I said furrow my eyebrows.Then,he takes a seat in front of me.
"So what are doing here??"He asks again.
"Okay,fine!I will tell you."I said and roll my eyes. "See,it's Chaehyun.And she is dating with Jungkook.I'm here to help her."I said and point at Chaehyun and Jungkook's table.
"I'm not dating with oth-.."He cut me again.But this time,he sounds excited.
"Really?!I'm here to help Jungkook too!"He whispers to me.
"Wait- what??" "Jungkook asked me to help him too"Taehyung said happily. "Okay..So,They two are cheating??😂" "Maybe😂"
"Hummmm..let's not help them.Let they do it by their own way."He said and I nod. "So,Why don't we date here?"He asks me . "Oh,Sure!!I love it!Date in the most luxury restaurant?Yeahh!"I whisper excitedly.
"They will pay it.Hehehe"Taehyung said and laugh. "I ordered too much just now.Let's eat it together."I said and he nod happily.
Where is Taerin?I didn't see her for 15 minutes.I turn back looking at Jungkook.He is looking around and look uncomfortable.
"Ummm..Jungkook." "Yes?"He immediately answers me "Are you okay?"I asked him. "A-aaa yeahh..I'm okay"He said and smile sweetly.