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Today is the day.The prom that we will attend together at 6:30pm later.Now,I'm with Jihye and Chaehyun.We 3 are at the agency,waiting for our boyfriends.pftttt😂

So,today I wear something new from my closet.Considering the theme of the prom is black,I wear this.

"Taerin,you look so beautiful tonight!"Jihye said and scans me from bottom to top

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"Taerin,you look so beautiful tonight!"Jihye said and scans me from bottom to top.

"Ummm,It's just simple outfit."I said and rub my neck."You also look so awesome!!"I praise her back.Her dress is so pretty.

Her dress is so pretty

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ihye just smile and thanks me.I guess her dress is so expensive.Last week,she went search for her outfit with Jin.Maybe Jin asked her to wear this dress.Jin have a good taste.

"Well well..Look what we have here"I said and smirk at Chaehyun with her luxury dress.

Look what we have here"I said and smirk at Chaehyun with her luxury dress

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"You look so gorgeous babe!"Jihye scream again and again.She loves fashion so much until she can't stop praising our dress.I check my phone and it's almost 6:40pm.

"Where are  they??"I said and searching around.They are so late.Aren't girl is the one who will take a long time to get ready?

"Hello my fellow bitch!!"Suddenly,someone calls us.So,we turn back to see who is it and it's so surprise because it was Jin!

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