Masky x Reader Part 2

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(Your View)

I stared at the two boys on the couch. One had dark brown, short, straight hair (AN: that’s chur boi ), and the other had a much lighter coloring of brown hair, that was slightly longer and shaggy. They also carried masks… How… Cliché. I thought Dad hadn’t noticed me, so I quickly closed the door as quietly as possible, and dashed for the kitchen. I slipped into the said area, and placed the groceries on the table. “So you’re finally… Home…” Dad suddenly appeared, making me jump at the suddenness of his words as well as his appearance. “O-Oh heeey Dad”, I said nervously. “Hoody! Masky! Come meet my daughter, (F/n)!”

(Masky’s View)

*Flashback to before (F/n) entered the Mansion*

“Alright… So here are the rules…” Slender said, and slowly pulled out an at least 3-foot-long scroll of paper. Hoody paled, and my eyes widened. Slender then proceeded to read out every rule on said paper. I honestly thought my ears were bleeding by the time he was finished… But then I heard a small noise from the kitchen. “U-Um what w-was that?” I asked. I felt kinda stupid at my stutter but I shook that feeling away. “That..” He trailed off and teleported elsewhere. I looked over at Bri- I mean, Hoody. “Hoody! Masky! Come meet my daughter, (F/n)!”

*Flashback Over*

(Narrator View)

So here they are- Masky, Hoody, (F/n), and Slender. Masky looked at (F/n) and nearly gasped at the sight of her. Her (h/c), (h/l) hair fell beautifully around her face, and her (e/c) eyes sparkled with life, and a bit of… Fear. Her rosy lips were pulled down at the corners to form a frown. “(F/n), this is Masky”, he pointed to the boy staring at her,” and this is Hoody.” 

(Reader View)

I nodded at my Dad’s words, and looked at the boy known as Masky. He had gorgeous, ice-blue eyes. He noticed me looking at him, blushed darkly, and immediately looked away. I slightly smiled at his shyness, and looked at what I assumed was his brother, Hoody. His eyes are a deep, grassy green color. He was staring at Masky, both smirking and silently chuckling. “… Nice to meet you. Now I shall retire to bed.”

*Timeskip to the next morning*

I rushed out of bed, and hurriedly threw on (f/c) T-Shirt with (favorite band) on it, and a pair of (second f/c) short-shorts, with white leggings. I ran down the stairs to the kitchen to find Masky and Hoody sitting at the table in black muscle shirts, and grey Joe Boxer boxers. Kori was gaping at them near the door-way, and I kinda joined in. That was until I saw what Dad was wearing. This would be his normal suit with a frilly, pink apron on over it while he cooked. “First off, WHY AREN’T YOU TWO IN CLOTHING?! AND SECONDLY, DAD GET THAT RIDICULOUS THING OFF! LIKE, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON ANYMORE?!?!?!?!?!” “I uh uh uh uh uh uh…. What’s going on in here?” Kori added, dabbing at her nosebleed with a handkerchief.

Masky x Reader Part 1Where stories live. Discover now