Masky x Reader Part 9

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*Skip to about another month later*

(Masky View)

Hoody and I were currently wondering around a high class jewelry store (AN: no masks of course). I was looking for a ring, the best ring they had. I also had to find one that was (insert ring size) in ring size. I puffed quietly, looking around for a jeweler. I spotted an aging man, shining some of the rings and went over to him. "S-Sir?"He peered up at me, smiling cheerily. "Oh, hello zere! Hov might I help jou today?" He had a deep German accent; not to mention a cherry attitude, when I had thought all Germans were angry folk. "Um... D-Do you have any (insert ring size) rings th-that are 6-karat?" "Oh, vell, yes ve do. 'Ome viz me!" He shimmied over to a different counter, and I followed along after him. He examined the rings, his thin fingers tapping their glass case. "Vhat kind of er... Ring do jou vant?" "P-Proposal..." His eyes filled with delight, and he pulled out a gorgeous silver-banded ring. "Wow man. Looks great..." I turned my head, seeing an awestruck Hoody. "Y-Yeah it is...." I took it the ring, payed for it, and left off for home.

(Your View) 

I'm in the laundry room, washing Masky and Hoody's clothes. "Bunch'a lazy butts..." I grumbled, slamming the washer lid close, and turning it on. I ruffled my hair tiredly, and slumped off to the living room couch. I flopped down on it, watching Kori play COD-Ghosts for a bit, before slipping off to the dream world. 

*Timeskip to some time later*


Wake up... 

My eyes flickered open, and I let out a squeak at how close Masky was to my face. He jumped back, slamming into the coffee table with a groan. "Oh God, Masky, are you okay?!" I hurriedly sat up, and pulled him into my arms. "I-I'm fine, (F/n)..." He snuggled his head into the crook of my neck, sighing contently. We stayed like this for some time, until I heard Kori with her damnable baby talk. "Daw wook at wittle (F/n) and Masky" I glared at her, just as Hoody came up behind her. He pulled her towards the kitchen, giving Masky a thumbs up. I raised an eyebrow at my now blushing boyfriend. "(F/n) I-I have something I want to ask you."

I blushed brightly as Masky tugged for me to stand. As I did, he slid into a kneeling position. "(F-F/n), ever since I met you, I have been in l-love with you. W-We've had rocky times, but we over c-came them. And we've h-had wonderful times, that I will r-remember eternally. I'm n-now kneeling here b-before you, asking you to m-marry me, so that I can love you for the rest of our l-lives. Cause that's the-the one thing I-I know is true, is that I love you." I felt tears of joy leak out of my eyes, and a loving smile curl my lips. I threw my arms around his neck, saying yes repeatedly. He laughed joyously, picking me up and spinning me around. He carefully sat me back on my feet after a few twirls, and pulled out a black box. Opening it, he revealed a beautiful silver-banded ring and slid it on my finger. I cupped his face, pulling him to my level before kissing him sweetly. Cue was from everyone, even Daddy.

(Narrator View)

No, I shan't write the wedding out. But I will inform you of its actions. Hoody had been the best man, and Jane along with Kori as the bridesmaids. Little Sally had been the flower girl, while riding on Seed's shoulder. Splendy had been the preacher, and after the vows and I dos, bands were exchanged in only the purest of love. Afterwards, people headed into the house to dance and twirl on the dance floor. Jeff had made a surprise appearance, saying he was horridly sorry for what he had done, and wanted to repair his friendship. And to tell his congrats in person. The friendship was repaired of course, and things went along quite nicely

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