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It all started with a man.

Specifically, Remington Leith Kropp. Practically still a boy he's in a band with his two brothers, Sebastian Danzig Kropp (the oldest), and Emerson Barrett Kropp (the youngest). With a band, and especially as the lead singer, there's always a risk to develop an ego. It causes people's to think more about their impact in the world. They're more certain of the things they hold dear, because betrayal and challenges always lie around the corner, waiting to ruin the day, and if it comes down to it, a life.

Remington is certain of very few things; Nutella is all he would ever need, people are capable of doing good as long as they try, family is one of the most important things in life, and he most certainly does not believe in ghosts. Never have, never will. Sure, he appreciates the aesthetic and the story, but won't put any stock or superstitious belief into them. They aren't supported by science. When you die, you die. That's the end all, be all. Why would anyone stick around afterwards on this hellscape of a planet, anyway? That's what Remington always believed. It's one of the few things that kept him supported, like Yeti in my Spaghetti. One wrong noodle pulled out from under the Yeti, and it all comes crumbling down. Maybe Jenga would have been a better example.

All these thoughts and more raced through Remington's head as he replayed the events of this morning. The wall in front of his slouched figure acted like a screen for his memories, a television that only he could see.

I shifted to my right, suddenly aware of my own entity again. My eyelids fluttered as I tried desperately to keep them closed, wanting to soak up some last few moments of sleep. After struggling with my subconscious for about three minutes, I give up and open my eyes for the first time that day.

Only to see a pair of purple eyes staring back at me. I was paralyzed, unsure of what to do about this girl less than two inches away from me. She searched my face eagerly, almost like she was trying to memorize me, but my mind was just reeling at this stranger.

I blinked again, and she was still there. Something snapped inside me, making me jerk up and scream.
The noise ripped through my vocal cords, startling the figure. She, too, screamed, and fell- no, floated- over the edge of the bed. I scrambled back against my head board, pulling my blankets up to my bare chest, wide eyed as I watched this woman levitate back to her feet.

"Well that was just rude." She huffed. I gawked at her, my jaw dropping. "What?" She snapped, before shaking her head. "Why am I bothering. It's not like he knows I'm here. He never does, stupid Sofia!"
"I- What?" I squeaked, still staring at this woman with purple eyes, and brown hair who seems to flicker in and out of my vision. It's like she was just a projection.

"Wait a second." She gasped, before zooming straight into my face. She floated above my body, her nose centimeters from mine as I jerked back, staring her in the eyes. "You... can see me? You can hear me?!"

I nodded mutely. I want to go back to sleep.

"So." She started. I took a deep breath, before opening my mouth.

She frantically shushed me.
"No! No no no! You don't get to shush me... lady? How in the-what are you- huh??" I spluttered, utterly confused as my hands fell to my sides, flopping uselessly onto the bed.

"I'll shush you all I want." The mysterious, flickering woman sassed.
"Um." I swallowed, regaining some confidence as I straightened up. "No. 'Cause this is my room. My house. And you're intruding. You're lucky I haven't called the cops!!" I made a motion to stand up, but her next words shot me back down.

"Ha! Please, Remington. This isn't your home. This isn't your room. It's the veils. And you're just visiting."
"What... the ever loving fuck."
"Do you say anything else? You're getting boring. Honestly, this is kind of a let down from what I had in mind. I mean, you are the first human to be able to talk to us, let alone see us in about a millennium. Do try to be engaging."

"Alright alright. Back track a little. I have two questions. What? And. The fuck?" I stood up, blankets pooling around where my body used to lay as I walked to my closet. Thank god last night was cold enough to require pants while I slept. Otherwise, I would be in an entirely different situation. A much more vulnerable one.

"Ugh. You living people aren't worth all the hype. I can't believe you're the one who's supposed to help us."
"Fine! Fine." I threw my hands up. "At least tell me your name."
"Finally, we're getting somewhere!" She cheered. She floated from her perch in the air to land in front of me, tall and slender. She seems to be about 5'8, maybe taller, and her purple eyes constantly flicker, never settling on a true color. They're kaleidoscopic, and captivating. "My name, is Sofia. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." She smiles cheekily.

"This is about the time we have a brief intermission for some back story...." I trail off, leaving a pause specifically to suggest that she start explaining, but she just pinched her lips impishly.

"Yes. Yes it would."

We were quiet for a brief moment, finally breaking eye contact when I looked for a shirt on the floor. Finding a black one I liked, I picked it up and slipped it on. I looked back towards Sofia, only to find empty space.
I jumped, startled and V E R Y confused. I blinked, once, twice, and finally rubbing my eyes. They must me playing tricks on me. I could have sworn there was someone there.

I heard a giggle from behind me, soft and wavy. It was almost like it wanted to be full, but was dissipated by something. I spun around, searching my wall and window, significantly weirded out.

"I was half asleep. Yep. That's it. Dreaming... on my feet... talking out loud to myself... totally normal..."

"Totally normal." Echoed through Remington's head for the remainder of the morning. He was constantly zoning out in the middle of sentences and more than once he spilled a spoonful of cereal into his lap. "Yo dude. You good?" Sebastian shoved Remington's shoulder roughly. He flinched and blinked back into reality. "Hmm. What? Yea, I'm fine. Also, don't touch me." Remington stood up, taking his bowl with him.
"You seem... off." Emerson chimes in, looking tired as always. The middle brother looked at Emerson accusingly, how dare he not validate me, when above his shoulder Remington saw another face. A younger, brighter face that seemed oddly comforting. But, the face was also very distraught.

Remington blinked, alarmed, and the stranger was gone. Emerson looked at Remington, then over his shoulder as he traced his older brothers line of vision, then looked at Remington again when he saw nothing. Remington just shrugged before walking off. "I don't believe in ghosts. I don't believe in ghosts. It's not a ghost, it's just your mind playing tricks on you. Maybe you're sick. Maybe you're just tired. Yea. Tired. Sleep would be best. Sleep is good." Remington mumbled to himself as he approached his room, stepping in and pacing as he stared at his bed. "Sleep."

"Sleep won't help, we'll still be here when you wake up." A soft voice said from behind the thin man. "FUCK!" Remington screeched, left hand flying up to clutch at his chest while he bent over from the shock. "Sofia!" He scolded. She just giggled in response. "Hello again! I'd like you to meet Patty. He's a friend." Remington recognized him as the the boy who was chilling over Emerson, so he waved hesitantly. "You're taking this very well." Patty spoke, his bubbly nature evident through his voice and bounciness.

A strangled squeak came out of the back of Remington's throat as the very strange duo  disappeared when Remington's door opened suddenly. "Hey Rem. You good? I heard you talking to yourself.." Emerson said as he poked his head in through the doorway. "Yeah." Remington stopped and cleared his throat, looking a little guilty. "Yea, yes. I'm fine. Thanks." He nodded in undeserved decisiveness. "Alright..." Emerson looked skeptical, but retreated from the room nonetheless.

The door shut with a click, resulting in Sofia and Patty reappearing. "Oh now this is just unfair." Remington whined when he noticed their reappearance.

I Don't Believe in Ghosts {Remington Leith}Where stories live. Discover now