Chapter Five

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Jason's alarm went off on Monday, waking him up to a bright morning.
He nearly jumped out of bed to get ready, hoping to see Lucy.
"Jason! Breakfast is ready!" His mother yelled.
He came downstairs and grabbed an apple, before heading towards the door.
"Hey! You need protein young man!" His mother scolded.
"I know." He said with a smirk and walked out of the door.
It was their father's turn to take them to school.
"What's got you so excited?" His sister asked while he opened the door for her.
"Nothing, why?"
"You're more cheerful than normal, plus it's a huge come up from your drowning state." She commented.
"You don't know what you're talking about." He said.
"All set?" Their father asked.
He dropped them both off at school, while Jason got out and waited patiently by the gate.
A few minutes later, he heard it.
The sound of her stick coming closer and closer until she was right in front of him.
Strange clothes, yet again, a green striped beanie, light pink sleeveless shirt and shocking blue shorts with ankle boots.
"Lady Lucy." He said and bowed a little before her, causing her to stop and smile.
"What was that?" She asked.
"It is a common curiosity to bow before a lady." Jason stated.
"Yes, but we don't live in that era anymore." She said.
"That's true, but manners are still manners. Besides the imagination of a human is timeless." He said.
She laughed out loud and he smiled upon seeing her happy face.
"Will you try something crazy for me?" She asked while shortening her walking stick.
"Name it." Jason replied.
"Crouch down and pick me up." She said.
He smiled and went down on his knees n front of her.
She held onto him as he picked her up.
"Now what?" Jason asked.
Lucy chuckled before lengthening her stick and pointing it in the air.
"Away! Mighty steed!" She shouted and Jason ran with her while she screamed.
Everyone in the school looked at them as if they had just lost their minds.
He gently placed her down in front of her locker.
"Now that, that was fun." He said.
"I couldn't agree more." Lucy said while touching her locker.
"I met a friend of yours the other day." Jason said.
"Oh yes, Nick, yeah he told me." She said.
"Why didn't you tell me about him?" Jason questioned.
"Well, I didn't think it was important at the time."
"Maybe not, but I thought you were all alone in the world with no friend to count on.
"Is that why you chose to help me?" She asked.
"In a way, but I also wanted to get to know you better."
"Yeah... You did and its been great." She smiled.
"Shall we go to Nick's house this afternoon?" She suggested.
The day flew by and Jason walked with Lucy to the bus stop.
They got to the small bench and Lucy was about to sit down, but Jason stopped her.
"Wait, here." He said and took off his jacket, placing it on the bench so that she could sit.
"What's this?" She asked as she felt the material while sitting.
"My jacket." He said to her.
"I see, are you Samuel from Grey Fountain?" She asked causing him to laugh.
"Funny you should mention it, because that's where I read about this little action." He said with a small chuckle.
"Well it's a nice story."
"Yeah, listen, Nick mentioned that you had an illness... Is that why you were away?" Jason asked.
"Yeah, but it's over now." She said sith a confidant smile.
The bus arrived and the two of them got on.
"So you've spoken to Nicky?" Lucy asked.
"Yes, we met at that abandoned house where I played the piano and you sang."
"I see, what did he tell you?"
"Not much, he showed me pictures of you and told me of how he met you, stuff like that."
"Oh, well we have a lot of fun together. Must be sad to see those pictures and think, how I could've ended up like this." Lucy said as her face drooped down.
"How did this happened anyway?" Jason asked.
"It's not a pretty story and I really don't want to tell it."
"Well, I'm not gonna judge you or anything. You can trust me." He assured.
"I know, it's just... Well... Putting everyone through this... I-"
"Okay, I can see it's difficult for you to tell me, but I'm hoping that you will someday." He interrupted and smiled at her.
He smiled at her all the time, even though he knew she can't see it he always smiled.
They arrived at Nick's house a few minutes later.
It was a small looking place and just six blocks away from the abandoned red house.
Jason helped Lucy out of the bus and walked with her to the door of Nick's house.
"Shall I knock?" He asked.
"Yeah, go ahead." She said.
Jason knocked twice and heard footsteps approaching the door.
"Are you alright?" Jason whispered softly to her and she nodded.
As the white door opened slowly, Nick stood there looking at Lucy with a serious expression.
"How many cups of sugar does it take to get to the moon?" She asked and Nick smiled as he steped out the door to stand in front of her.
"Who would test something so far-fetched and idiotic?"
With his response Lucy smiled widely and reached out to embrace him.
"It's been a while Lu..." He said and pulled back.
"What's with the questions?" Jason asked.
"Oh hey, I almost forgot you were here. It's Lucy's way of identifying me, cause someone else could step in and if they can't answer her question correctly then she'll know it's not me.." He explained and shook Jason's hand.
"We don't have such a thing..." Jason said as he turned to her.
"We will, just give it time." She answered before taking Nick's arm and walking with him into the house.
"Where's your mother?" She asked.
"Oh you know... She's out somewhere." Nick answered.
Jason walked through his house and looked at evey little detail.
It was like a museum for old furniture, doilies and blankets embroidered or knitted.
"Please sit." Nick said as they walked into the living room, which had those uncomfortable old couches and a TV that looked ancient.
Lucy sat on a small couch and Jason took a seat across from her.
Nick came back with some tea, presented in fancy porcelain cups.
"My mother only use these when guests are visiting." He said as he handed Jason a cup.
He looked at it and did seem to be impressed at all.
He took a seat next to Lucy and placed an arm around her, she didn't seem bothered at all.
Jason on the other hand was bothered as he clenched his fist.
"So... Nothing has changed then?" Lucy asked.
"No everything is the same." Nick answered.
"I don't want to bud in, but I have a question." Jason said and Nick turned his head to look at him.
"What's with the old TV? Is it still working?" He asked.
"No no, that's just for decoration."
"Yeah, Nick's mother feels that TV keeps the imagination dead."
"One day, I did ask for one since all the other kids had one. She said sure she'll buy one, and she can be quite cruel sometimes, so this was what I got." He said with a little smile on his face.
"That's sad, it really sucks to be you." Jason commented while taking a sip of his tea.
"Nah... I wouldn't say that. I've got the greatest friend in the whole world." Nick said while placing a hand on Lucy's upper thigh.
She smiled and Jason just looked at them with a angry face.
"Well, why did we come here again?" He asked to break the mood between them.
"I just wanted to say hi to Nick. He is my best friend." Lucy said.
"Yeah... I can see you're very close." Jason commented.
"I'll go get some biscuits." Nick said and quickly made his way to the kitchen.
"What was that?" Lucy asked and Jason looked at her a little confused.
"What was what?"
"Oh come on, your attitude towards me and Nick."
"Oh so it's you and Nick now..."
"See, there! That's what I'm talking about." She said.
"Well, you're smart. Figure it out." He said.
"No! How about you just tell me." She demanded.
"I get that the two of you are friends, but I kind of feel like a third wheel here."
"I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention." She said apoplecticly.
"Yeah, I get it. You two need some catching up so don't let me stand in your way." Jason said while getting up from his chair.
Lucy heard it and also stood up, trying to go after him.
"Jason! Wait...."
He stopped and turned to look at her.
"What's the matter?" She asked.
He walked over to her until he was right in front of her, only a few inches from her face.
She could tell how close he was, since she heard his breath and smelled him.
"Lucy... Friends are great, but if a friend wants more than friendship it's not hard to tell."
"What are you saying?" She asked.
"I'm saying that Nick has feelings for you."
Lucy gasped as she srood there and Jason just looked at her with a soft and tender gaze.
"Why are you saying this?" She asked.
"I'm telling the truth and if you feel the same than by all means go for it, but don't waist my time when doing so." He said and walked out of the door.
Lucy fell to the ground, as tears rolled down her face.
Nick came into the living room and saw no one there.
He heard Lucy sobbing and dropped the plate of biscuits.
"Lucy!" He said and held her in his arms.
"What happened? Where's Jason?" He asked, but she sobbed too much to even speak a word.
After a while she calmed down and Nick sat next to her, taking a strand of hair from her face.
She pulled away and faced him.
"Nick, is it true?" She asked with a blocked nose and watery eyes, even though her dark glasses were on the tears still kept on coming.
"Is what true?" He asked.
"Do you have feelings for me?"
"Please... Just tell me if it's true or not." She asked and he sighed while taking a deep breath.
"It's true." He admitted.
"All these years?"
"Yes, even after..."
"Jason was right, but Nick I just want your friendship. You know I can't get involved with someone right now." She said.
"And what about Jason? Do you really think that just hanging around him, is not risky?" He asked.
"I know, but he offered to help me."
"You could've said no."
"I did, but he didn't seem to give up. What else could I do?"
"When I spoke to him about you, he has no idea does he?"
Lucy's head went down and she shook her head.
"It's better he doesn't know, he doesn't need it in his life. He's a young man who has potential to grow and to bother him with this is like screwing up his life in the process." She said softly.
Jason was angry at Lucy for the first time in his life.
The following week, Jason kept his distance from Lucy and tried to sready his thoughts.
"Hey man, what's going on with you and Lucy?" Goose asked as he walked up to Jason.
"Nothing, why?"
"Come on, anyone can see that something happened between the two of you." Goose said and Jason hesitated to speak.
"We got in a fight." He admitted.
"Ah-ha! I hope things get better between the two of you." He said while giving Jason a gentle pat on the shoulder.
The days at school were torture for Lucy, she wanted to explain everything to Jason but she felt ashamed.
She felt nothing for Nick in return and wanted to tell Jason.
The problem is, he never showed himself to her or spoken to her, he avoided her completely.
Nick called Lucy one day after school.
"It's Nick." Her mother said as she handed Lucy the phone.
"Hi Nick." She greeted.
"Have you spoken to him yet?" He asked.
"No, he won't give me a chance." She said sadly.
"Of course not, he is hurting."
"Thank you for helping me Nick, I do appreciate it but I'm afraid we can be no more than just friends." She said.
"I know Lucy, your heart has already been stolen."
"What makes you say that?" She asked.
"Jason... You like him, don't you?"
"Don't be ridiculous Nick, it doesn't matter." She said.
"Whatever you say, but just remember you're the one always saying that life is short. You should make the best of it, even if it doesn't last."
"Thank you Nick." She said before hanging up the phone.
Lucy decided to do this old school, since Jason reads the same books she does, she thought she'd write him an apology letter.

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