Chapter Seven

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Jason sat with Lucy under the tree and had a good time laughing with her.
"Before I die I want to come back here." She said while touching the tree.
"Come, we need to go to Chris's place. He probably wants to know about the family and stuff." Jason said as he offered his arm to Lucy.
He led her out of the meadow and to the car, opening the door for her.
"Where does he live?" She asked.
"Oh just up the hill to your right." Jason said and drove to Christopher's place.
It was a huge mansion with a pool and a tennis cord.
"Is it big?" Lucy asked.
"It's a mansion." Jason answered.
"Does he have a big family of his own?"
"No, he lives alone with his dogs." Jason answered and helpes her out of the car.
Lucy and Jason walked to the door, the servan girl showed them through the house and to Christopher's study.
"Sir, Mr. Jason is here to see you." She announced while knocking on the wooden door.
"Yes, let him in." He said from the other side.
Jason walked in with Lucy and she held on tightly to his arm.
"Why did you come here?" Chris asked.
"I wanted Lucy to experience the poppy meadow." He answered.
"Really? Well since she can't see, it won't do her any good, will it?" He said as he sat down.
"Christopher!" Jason said loudly.
"Go back and never come here again. Mom and dad threw me out and I choose not to be reminded of it."
"What mom and dad did to you has nothing to do with me!" Jason said.
"Maybe not, but you don't even try to get out of their ridiculous set of rules, you just keep on living there."
"Why? They are loving parents and I came here as a friend, a brother."
"We have two different mothers Jason, you'll never understand and you'll never be my family!" He shouted.
Jason had a devastating look on his face and Lucy felt his body shaking.
She lowered her hand and took his hand in hers.
"You mayhave different mothers, but you'll never get a better brother." She suddenly said.
"What do you know about anything!?" He asked in a snotty tone.
"Looks like money went to your head and you forgot what natters most in life." She said.
"How would you know what matters, you don't even understand the situation."
Lucy walked to his desk hastily until she took hold of it.
She vigorously pulled off her sunglasses and Chris looked shocked as he looked at her eyes.
"I've lived through two types of cancer, so don't tell me I don't know what's important in life. Every moment you spend with the people you love is precious, cause any breath could be your last. When it all comes down to it, who do you think will be there for you? Certainly not your money. "She said and walked back to Jason while putting on her glasses.
She took his arm and walked out of the room with him.
They drove back home and he gripped the steering wheel tightly.
"Thank you, Lucy." He said.
"What for?" She asked.
"For telling my brother straight to his face, everyone's afraid to do it." He said with a little chuckle.
"Well, Jason, I'm sorry to say this but he's a bit of a dick." She said causing them both to laugh.
"Yeah he is, he was never like that before... I don't know what changed him."
"Don't worry about it, when he realized that his money wall will tumble if he leans on it, he'll come around to being who he truly is."
They got home safely and Jason dropped Lucy off at her house.
"Accept for your brother, I had a great day thanks." She said with a smile.
"Yeah me too." He said with a toothy grin.
She was about to walk inside, when Jason stopped her.
"Lucy!" He said and she turned to face him.
"I have something to say to you."
"What is it?" She asked.
"N-nothing... Have a good night. I'll see you tomorrow." He said.
"You too." She said and went inside.
Jason groaned in frustration as he walked back to the car.
"Hey Sweety, how was it?" Jason's parents asked as he walked through the door.
"Oh great, other than Chris being awful."
"Oh no, tell us about it."
"No,it's not worth it." Jason said and heades for his room.
He laid on his back, looking up at the ceiling.
His thoughts drifted to Lucy and how much she meant to him.
The next morning, Jason woke up and went through his morning ritual before going to school.
"Have a lovely day." His father said as he drop him and his sister off.
Jason waited at the gate for Lucy to arrive, when Goose and Bobby came up to him.
"Hey man! How was your weekend?" Bobby asked.
"Just fine thanks." He answered.
"How are things with the girl?" Goose asked.
"Ah... So you made peace?"
"Yes, things are better now." He said with a wide smile on his face.
"Of course it is otherwise you won't be here waiting for her." Goose commented.
Just then Lucy came walking to the gate with her sbocking pink cane, crazy necklace, short boots, red stockings, blue skirt above the knee, white T-shirt and some weird funky pink/purple glasses.
"My Lady..." Jason said and she stopped to look at him.
"Good day noble valiant knight. I thank you for your gallantry and faithful service, please kneel." She said and Jason laughed before kneeling.
Lucy tookher pink walking stick, touching both his shoulders-hitting his head slightly in ghe process.
"I hereby knight thee, sir Jason Clifton the noble Guinee knight." She said loudly.
"Rise a knight." She said and he suddenly picked her up, carrying her to the lockers while running.
"What was that all about?" He asked as he put her down.
"I just felt like doing something crazy." She said with a smile.
"You know, when you're in my life... I won't ever fear boredom." He said as he brushed her brown hair out of ger face.
"I hope not." She said with a smile.
Classes went by quickly and the two of them sat next to each other in English class.
"Mr. Clifton, would you mid repeating the last lines of the story?" The teacher asked.
"Yes sir, umm... We were starstruck lovers under the moonlight, singing a song so sweet and pure that all creatures cowered under the shadowy sound it projected. My love, my only reason for living, don't leave me as I lay restless and helpless under the stars of a black sky. " Jason said.
Time passed, Lucy sat with Jason, Goose and Bobby during lunch.
"So dudes, the srping dance... Any dates?" Bobby asked.
"Yeah of course." Goose said and Jason looked at him.
"Okay fine, I'm running solo."
"Me too." Bobby said sadly.
"I guess me too." Jason agreed causing both Goose and Bobby to look at him strangely.
"You can get any girl to be your date an you want to roll solo to the dance?" Bobby asked.
Lucy laughed loudly as they talked to Jason.
"The only girl I'm interested in, won't go with me." Jason said as he looked down.
"Maybe you should ask her, maybe she'll say yes. You'll never know." Goose boosted and she smiled.
Later that day, Jason and Lucy took the bus home together and talked on the bus ride.
"What are you doing after the dance?" She asked.
"I've got a gymnastics competition to win." He said.
"I'll come and cheer for you." She said with a smile.
"Thanks Lucy." He said and they both got home safely.
Jason said goodbye to Lucy and went home.
"Hey honey!" His mother greeted.
"How was your day?"
"It was fine, dad thanks." He answered before heading up to his room.
Jason washed up and sat at the dinner table, poking his food with his fork.
"What are you contemplating son?" His father asked and Jason looked up.
"Oh come on, let's have a little talk."
"Dad, please..."
"Anyone can see that something is bothering you Jason." His mother said.
"Yeah, you look like a rotting corpse."
"Sally, please!" Petunia scolded.
"It's Lucy." He said with a heavy sigh.
"What about her?" Petunia asked.
"There's this spring dance at our school and... I'm thinking of asking her." He said.
Suddenly his parents faces light up as they both smiled at him.
"That's wonderful honey!"
"Yeah and if you need any advice-"
"Dad! Woah... Lucy is old school and when I say old school, I mean ancient. So if I'm gonna ask her, I will have to think out of the box to impress her." Jason said as he got up from his chair and walked to his room, thinking of ideas.
Jason layed awake for a few hours, planning out everything.
The following day Lucy got to school, Goose was waiting at the gaye for her.
"Lucy..." He said and ahe stopped.
"Where's Jason?" She asked sounding a little worried.
"Don't worry, he's here but he planned a surprise for you. I'm just here to guide you." He said as he walked up to her.
Goose touched her aem and she yanked it away.
"Touch me again and you die." She warned.
"Sorry." He said.
"Don't be sorry, just offer your arm to me." She explained and took his arm.
Goose walked with her to her locker and she opened it.
A note fell out of it and Goose picked it up.
"What is it?" She asked.
"It's a note, but it's kind of blank..." He said.
"Give it here." She said and held her hand out.
Goose gentle placed the paper in her hands.
Her fingers brushed over it and she smiled.
"It's written in braille, its not blank." She said.
"What does it say?" Goose asked.
"Is says: meet me at the football field tonight." She said with a smile.
Suddenly Goose took hold of Lucy's arm again.
"Are you blind? Are you, blind!?"She asked as she yanked away from him.
"Then why do you keep grabbing my damn arm? I take your arm." She said and took hold of his arm.
"So, where are we going?" She asked.
"Jason asked me to guide you and that's what I'm doing." He said.
Goose led Lucy to class ans she sat down.
The teacher started the class when suddenly rhe intercom went on.
"My heart, my soul, its all given to me for one reason. Love is one thing that's never borrowed and once I met you, I knew that my heart was no longer my own. Live a life with me Lady Lucy." Jason's voice said through the intercom and after that everything went to normal,except for all the girls that fangirled over Jason.
Lucy smiled and everyone looked at her, but she didn't know.
"Charles Dellway." She said softly.
The rest of the day was strange but exciting to her.
Jason was no where near her, but kept doing these little things to get her attention.
He trusted Goose to guide her through the day and make sure she's alright.
The day went by and school was out, Lucy went home to freshen up.
Goose came to pick her up and take her back.
It was nearly seven when she arrived with Goose, guiding her to the pivilion on the football field.
"What's happening?" She asked as Goose sat her down.
"I don't know yet but it's going to be something." He said.
Suddenly Lucy heard something happening on the football field.
Suddenly the swift soothing sound of the piano played and echoed throughout the football field.
It was the song Where to I begin, by Andy Williams.
Lucy smiled and leaned towards Goose.
"Discribe what's happening." She whispered to him.
"Well, Jason's on the field playing the piano, he's wearing a suit and tie and there's candles on the grass." He said.
Jason finished playing and motioned for Goose to bring Lucy over.
Luckily they didn't sat up high and got down easily.
Goose guided her to Jason and Jason took hold of her hands.
"What's this all about?" She asked.
Jason said nothing as he smiled at her.
"Lovely, Lucy... Would you do me the honor of escorting me fo the spring dance?" He asked with her hands in his.
She gasped, but said nothing.
That's when he handed her a book.
"Roger Hemmings, Scarlet Lady." She said as she recognized the texture.
"Your mother gave it to me, open page 405."He said and she used the braille writing to open at the right page.
"What did George do when he asked Sarah to the ball?" Jason asked.
"He made a book for her, a book filled with blank pages and a question in the middle." She answered softly.
"Yes... And what else?"
"She asked him why is there nothing at the end of the book? Like a happy ending to a book with no story?"
"To which he replied:'Sarah, this book is for you to finish and therefore you will decide the ending.'" Jason whispered.
"So she asked :'What's all this about?'"
"Lucy, despite your sight... I don't care what people think and I would take you to the ball proudly, if you'll have me?" Jason asked.
"That's not how it goes, but you're close..." She replied.
"I had to change it up a bit, what's your answer my Lady?"
"Not only will I say yes, but I'll wear my red hair with pide as long as it's by your side."
"Perfect quote Miss Adams." Jason said and he hugged her tightly.
"I'm guessing everything went well, cause I was so lost." Goose said before he left.
The week flew by and Jason came to pick Lucy up for the dance.
He wore a tux with a bowtie and waited by the car.
The door opened and she came walking out.
Jason half expected her to come out in some kind of strange looking dress, but instead she wore and elegant pink dress:

Jason half expected her to come out in some kind of strange looking dress, but instead she wore and elegant pink dress:

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Jason could hardly breathe as she walked to the car with her stick and sunglasses.
Her short hair didn't change much but she did look beautiful to him.
"Lady Lucy."He said as he offered his arm to her.
"You look beautiful." He said as he guided her to the car and opening the door for her.
"Let me guess, old vintage..." Jason said as he looked at her dress.
"Retro actually, but not bad. What are you wearing?" She asked.
"My underwear." Jason answered.
Lucy laughed.
"Seriously, tell me."
"Black tux, bowtie and some shiny shoes with a white shirt." He described.
She smiled and they arrived at school a few minutes later.
Jason opened the door and helped hr out of the car.
Everyone stared at them and the girls especially stared at Jason.
Lucy folded her stick up and put it around her wrist like a bracelet.
Jason walked with her to the photobooth and they stood there.
"Just tell me which way to look." She said.
Jason guided her head in the direction of the camera and the photo was taken.
He walked with her to the dance floor and greeted Goose standing next to Bobby.
"Can you dance?" Jason asked her.
"It's the one thing I can do well, since you feel the dance and not see it." She said.
Jason smiled as he guided her towards the floor.
She stood in front of him and he slowly took off her glasses.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"I would like to look at you and not the glasses."He responded.
Lucy gave him a wide smile as he took her hand and placed it on his shoulder.
He held onto her other hand and moved his left hand around her waist.
Jason didn't hesitate to pull her closer until her body was against his.
All the other students danced with at least a little gape between their bodies.
Jason and Lucy stood close to each other and the way Jason gazed upon her made everyone gossip under each other.
"You look so beautiful tonight." He whispered to her causing her to smile sweetly.
"I wish I could say you look handsome, but you smell nice at least." She said.
Jason laughed at her, as people made room for just them to dance.

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