Chapter Eleven

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Jason could feel his heart sinking in his chest as he walked outside the hospital.
Goose and Bobby were standing there and saw a pale look on his face before he fell down to the ground crying hard and desperate.
"It's not good." He said in between his tears.
It took at least half an hour for Jason to calm down so that he could talk properly.
"So? What's her diagnosis?" Goose asked.
"How bad is it?" Bobby questioned.
"Apparently she has four different cancers and it's... Terminal so yeah it's pretty bad." He said while fighting off the urge to cry or sob.
"I'm sorry man..." Bobby comforted and gave him a hug, Goose joined in and they just held onto him for a few minutes.
"You guys can let go now." He said.
"Not a chance." Bobby replied.
"Yeah, we're hugging you and holding you, so that you'll know, even if one person leaves you, you still have a bunch of other people who will stand with you no matter what." Goose said causing Jason to tear up again.
"Yes, but that one person is my reason to be happy in the life I have been given." He said sadly.
The three of them spend a few minutes outside before Jason said goodbye to them.
"I'm gonna stay here until the end, so you should go home and get some rest."
"Call if you need anything." Goose said and he nodded with a smile.
Bobby waved as Goose dragged him away.
"How is she doing?" Jason asked Allison.
"Fine for now, she's sleeping, they've put her in a chemically induced coma so that she wouldn't have to deal with the pain. Since it's terminal chemo would be useless." She said and Jason nodded.
"I can't even imagine what it must be like for you guys and I'm terribly sorry." He said.
Allison smiled with tears in her eyes as she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"It's not like it's a walk in the park, losing a child is also painful but seeing your child suffer and fight for their life is even worse if you know the outcome is death." She said as the tears rolled down her wrinkly cheek.
Jason slept on one of the uncomfortable white chairs in the waiting room of the hospital and woke up early to get some coffee for him and Lucy's parents.
"Did you sleep sir?" He asked.
"No, you?"
"Not much kept on tossing and turning." Jason answered.
"I'm sorry that you're going thro-"
"Pleasr sir, don't apologize. I love Lucy and if it means that I have to skip school to be with her or even stay  here a little longer to make her last few months of living better, then I'll gladly sacrifice it." He said and Bill teared up as well.
"Mr and Mrs Adams, you can see her if you wish." Shelton said.
Jason walked with them, but were stopped since the hospital discovered he's not a family member.
"No, can he come please..." Bill asked so they allowed him to go.
She was sleeping when Shelton came in with a cringe in his hand.
"What's that for?" Allison asked.
"It's to wake her up." He said.
"No, you can't, she'll be in too much pain." Jason stopped and Shelton looked at him.
"I'm sorry, but there's questions I need her to answer so that I can lift the pain a little, you do want her to see you right?"
They all nodded and he injected it into her drip.
Lucy slowly started to open her eyes, but cried once she was fully awake.
"It hurts..." She said as Jason held her hand.
"Lucy, look at me. Where do you feel the most pain?" Doctor Shelton asked.
"My head, I can't..."
Suddenly she passed out and her machine went crazy on the monitor.
"I need you to leave, she's going into cardiac arrest." Doctor Shelton said and pushed her parents, as well as Jason, out of the room.
"We've got a code blue!" He shouted and everyone rushed to Lucy's room.
Jason watched through the window with her parents as they all tried to help her.
"Padles!" Shelton shouted.
"Push it to 25! Clear!" He said and Jason sae how her body lifted as she was being shocked.
The blindes were closed and tears rolled down his face.
The three of them went to to waiting room and Jason phased up and down.
"She's going to be fine, I've placed her in a chemically induced coma, since she started screaming from the pain. I also believe that's why she passed out. I can relieve her pain and give her medication, she'll be able to live the last few months happily, but in order to do that, I need your premission to do a brain biopsy. "Shelton explained.
"Why?" Jason asked.
"Her brain is swelling because of the tumor and it cause migraines, nausea, dizziness and she has trouble opening her eyes. What I need is for you to sign this, saying it's okay for me to relieve her pain." Shelton said and gave her parents the form.
They nodded and signed it without further questioning.
They waited a few minutes and Doctor Shelton said he scheduled the biopsy for tomorrow.
"I'm going home, will you guys call me when something happens." Jason said.
"Of course." Bill reassured and hugged him.
"Thank you for being here." Allison said with a smile through her tears.
Jason walked to the doors of the hospital when he saw someone coming in.
He had dark black hair and brown eyes, but his face looked a little un-trusworthy.
As he walked pass Jason, he went directly to Lucy's parents.
This made Jason frown and walk back slowly.
"Mr and Mrs Adams, how is she doing?" He asked.
"What are you doing here?" Allison asked.
"I'm worried about your daughter."
"Worried? Or just interested?" Bill asked.
Jason knew he had to step in or things could get ugly.
He placed a hand on the guy's shoulder and he turned around, looking into Jason's blue eyes.
"Don't upset them, come take a walk with me." Jason said.
"Move along dude, this isn't any of your business." The guy said in a snotty little tone.
"Actually it is since I'm Lucy's boyfriend." Jason stated and walked away, knowing the guy will follow him now and he did.
They walked until they were outside the hospital.
"If you're really her boyfriend, then you know who I am?" The guy asked.
"I have a hunch." Jason sighed.
"Is she okay?"
"No, she's not. What are you doing here? Stalking is a crime you know." Jason said.
"No, you don't understand. I've always wanted to be with her, because she's different and so lively. I wanted her all to myself and things got out of hand, especially my jealousy. That's one thing I'm not proud of."
"Clive, if Lucy wanted to be with you, don't you think that she would've fought for you?"
"What's your point?"
"My point is, don't chase someone if they're not interested. Stalking her like this is definitely bad, she even has a restraining order against you."
Clive looked a little sad as Jason spoke.
"You need to let ger go, she's going to be gone soon anyway." Jason said, causing Clive to grab hold of his shirt.
"How can you be so calm about it? What are you saying?! She's just sick."
"No, she's got terminal cancer. There's no treatment to make her better." Jason said.
"Why are you so damn calm! You should care about it, she only has-"
"A few months, I know."
Clive tried to punch Jason in the face, but he dodged easily and knocked Clive to the ground.
"I am calm, because I have cried out my sadness and accepted Lucy's fate." Jason said just before a fear rolled down bis cheek.
"You care for her, so you're able to live your life after she dies. I love her so it won't be so easy." Jason said while looking down.
"What makes you think that I don't love her as well?" Clive asked.
"Really? You're actually asking me that? If you really loved her, you wouldn't have done what you did. Suspicion of her cheating, I can't understand why you would've thought it was possible. She's the type of person who would love you for you and why would she cheat if her eyes doesn't wander or in most cases scares people off. "Jason added.
"Yes, what I did was wrong, but I'm willing to change. That's why I came back and now it's too late." Clive said as he walked past Jason to the hospital doors.
"They're not gonna let you see her." He said and Clive turned to look at Jason.
"I know that, but what I can't understand is why Lucy would like you? Sure you're attractive, but that doesn't count for her, so why?" Clive questioned.
"We have a bond." Jason answered.
"Really?" Clive asked before ge turned back around and walked through the hospital doors.
Jason knew that Allison and Bill wouldn't let that guy near their daughter so he went home for a few hours.
"Jason!" His mother said with red teary eyes as she hugged him.
"We're sorry about everything son." His dad said and hugged him as well.
Sally also gave him a hug and some sweet encouraging words.
"So what did the doctors say?" Petunia asked.
Jason took a deep breath and walked into the living room.
Everyone followed him there as he sat down.
Once they were all gathered and seated, he leaned forward, lacing his fingers together, slouching.
"It's not good news." He said as he looked at they're faces.
"What did the doctor say?" His father asked and Jason leaned back with a heavy sigh as he ran his fingers through his yellow hair.
"I can't really remember all the terms ge used, but it didn't sound very promising for Lucy..." Jason said calmly.
Petunia walked over to him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"You can cry son, it's alright." She assured.
"I can't... It's too horrible." He replied and hanged his head.
"One thing I do remember doctor saying, is that she had four different types of cancer growing inside her. She has a tumor in her brain, some kind of growth in her stomach, her pancreas and a type of lymphoma attacking her white blood cells."
Petunia glasped a hand over her mouth from shock.
His father gasped once he finished talking and his sister had tears in her eyes as she looked at him.
"Are they planning on doing something about it?" Sally asked.
"For now, they're gonna try to relieve her from all the pain she's feeling. She was placed in a chemically induced coma and they planned on doing a brain biopsy to get rid of her constant migraines." He explained.
"What about the treatment?" His father asked.
It was that question that made Jason's face look pale and his eyes turned a dark blue,his hands were shaking as he struggled to speak.
"That's where it's even worse, there is no treatment they could give her."
"That's outrageous! There's new technology being built everyday. I'm sure they can do something about it!" His mother raged.
"No, honey, Jason meant... It's... terminal, isn't it?" His father said.
Jason nodded before flying up from his seat and sprinting upstairs to his room.
He closed his door and cried into his pillow for two hours before he packed a few things.
He took a quick shower and walked back downstairs.
"Are you heading to the hospital?" His father asked.
"Yes, I need to be there." Jason said before he made a phone call to Nick.
"Hello?" Nick answered.
"Nick, it's Jason. Are you aware of Lucy's situation?" He asked.
"I'm already here, where are you?"
"I just came back home to grab a few things. I'm heading back right now." He answered.
"Okay,see you in a bit."
Jason hang up and rushed to get a cab.
"The hospital, please." Jason said to the cab driver.
He arrived there and saw Nick fighting with Clive.
They weren't hitting each other, they were just struggling on the ground and grabbing each other's shirts.
"Woah woah woah!" He shouted and dropped his backpack before jumping in between them to stop the fight.
"Guys! Please! Enough!" He yelled and pushed them both away.
"If you two want to fight, then by all means do so, but not at the hospital! Lucy is dying! The best thing we can do for Lucy is to be here for her and support her as best we can. If you two really want to fight so bad, there is a cage fight in a few days, go give up your names for that."Jason said and walked away.
"He tried to kill Lu!" Nick said causing Jason to stop walking and freeze in his place.
"If I didn't catch him in the act..." Nick trailed off.
"Hey! It's beter to put her out of her misery than to let her suffer through this for our selfish greed, just to keep her with us a little longer." Clive retorted.
"Yes, but she doesn't want to die you idiot! No matter what or how much pain she has!" Nick yelled.
Jason's fist was clenched next to him.
"Being dead is better for her!" Clive said.
Just then Jason swinged around and punched Clive in the face.
Clive fell to the floor like a pole fell to the ground, out like a light.
Nick was stunned and a doctor came rushing outside, they saw the fight and immediately came to check.
The doctor crouched down to the floor and checked for a pulse.
"He's alive, but he's knocked out and it looks like his jaw is dislocated." He said.
They came out and took Clive inside.
"No wait! You can't put him in the same hospital as Lucy, he'll do something stupid again!" Nick protested.
Jason placed a hand ons Nick's shoulder.
"Let it go Nick, he won't be doing anything soon." Jason said and walked through the hospital doors.
Nick followed him inside quickly.
"What do you mean by that?" Nick asked.
"Don't worry about it." Jason said with a litte sigh.
Nick stopped Jason from walking.
"Lucy told me about your... Fights."
"Well there's your answer." Jason replied and walked on.
"Jason just-"
"Fine! To put your little mind at ease, I've hit him as hard as I did with my last fight two years ago. That guy was the state champion and took part in the illegal cage fighting match, he was in a coma for two months, wore a brace for five weeks after he woke up and couldn't speak for nine days after the brace was removed." Jason said and Nick's eyes looked widely fascinated by Jason's incredible story.
"He also broke all five of his metacarples  of his hand, at each joint from hitting my face and then I caught his leg and broke his ankle when he attempted to kick me." Jason mentioned as he walked away.
Nick just stood there gazing after Jason.
"I'm slightly turned on." Nick whispered to himself.
Jason walked to Lucy's room and watched through the glass as she laid on the bed.
"She's doing alright for now, doctor Shelton said that she'll be woken up from the coma after the biopsy." Allison informed as she came to stand next to Jason.
"I miss her sound, her silly jokes and her crazy fashion taste." Jason said with a slight chuckle.
"Yes, she is a special girl."
Jason walked in to her room and sat down next to her.
He took her hand in his and held it against his cheek.
"I love you so much Lucy..." He said as the tears streamed down his face.
"Once you wake up, I promise to make your last few days worth living."
"You're my whole life Lucy." He said and cried next to her.
Jason fell asleep on the chair, holding her hand.
Allison came into the room and took a photo of them.
She shook Jason and he groaned.
"They need to preform the biopsy, you have to wake up." She whispered.
Jason slowly opened his eyes and Allison gave him a cup of coffee.
"Thanks." He said.
Jason leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before leaving the room with Allison.
Doctors and nurses came into the room to take her away.
They shaved Lucy's head the moment her parents sighed to consent to a brain biopsy.
"I hope the biopsy goes well." Bill said behind them as he hugged Allison.
Everyone was hoping for the best at this moment.
Lucy was in the operating room for three hours before Doctor Shelton came back to talk to them.
"It went well and the biopsy was successful. We reduced the migraines by cutting away a piece of her skull. It will help with the swelling and the migraines." He explained.
Jason hugged Allison and was relieved as well.
"Can we see her?" He asked.
The doctor nodded and allowed them in the room.
Lucy's head was wrapped in a bandage and she was sleeping.
"We woke her from the coma and placed her under strong pain medication for the operation. If she's in more pain, we'll give her morphine. She will be feeling better soon." He said and they nodded.
Jason stayed by her side through the day and the night.

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