chapter 7

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Rachel woke up the next morning, her body cold and her muscles aching from laying on the hard wooden floor.
Her head throbbed from the night before and her palms seemed sore, Rachel must have passed out on the ground. Pushing herself on her hands she let her fingers hold her up, testing her orientation.
Slowly she twisted her body looking for the phone, the room was still dark, she knew it could not be time for school yet.
Slowly she got up, her head pounding like hammers against her skull,
Thump thump thump
And she moved,
Thump thump thump
Dragging one foot at a time. The sounds only getting louder.
And another, Rachel couldn't bear it anymore,the realisation of the thumping just dawning on her but it was too late. She would not be able to sit down or make it anywhere.
She screamt, as loud as her voice would allow her to. Screaming over and over again, her fingers clutched at her chest, kneeding at the site where it hurt. Her head became heavier as she fell on the ground, hitting her head.
Her eyes slowly began to shut as she distinctly heard some commotion and the opening of a door.

Rachel woke up to the blinding lights of the hospital, a sense of proverbial menace hanging in the air. Rachel instantly felt uncomfortable being in a hospital again.
She could not forget the last time she had been in one, it was six kilometres from minosota. Her own skull had cracked open, touching the scar on her forehead. She felt the rough edges of the suture that had prevented further bleeding. Her own broken arm that never felt right since that day. She remembered limping to the morgue to identify the three bodies. Each body brutally deformed, her father almost beyond any recognition.
The stench seemed to fill in her nostrils again, she felt suffocated by it. Feeling the emotions she felt each day again. Like  reminesing an old friend, pain had become her closet friend lately.
She felt each day in a span of minutes, denial, dismay, depression and finally numbness. Each phase passed but numbness stayed. Clinging onto her like second skin. It descended slowly into nothingness. She finally opened her eyes again, looking around gathering her surroundings. Scarcely registering the assessing gaze of Gideon.
Gideon was instantly taken by Rachel. Having just moved in yesterday, he had not yet unpacked when he was disturbed by the loud shrills of a lady. Fearing the lady's life he called the cops, finding Rachel on the floor bleeding. Gideon had not registered her face back then, as he carried her to the ambulance. He sat beside her, holding her hand feeling sorry for her. That's when he saw her face. The pale features that dawned into recognition. He knew who she was. The last of the Zane's alive. The industry was being taken care of by Jonathan, her uncle who, according to the tabloids was a notorious play boy. But he seemed to be well loved by all. Having spoken to him, Gideon sat beside Rachel all the while. He had not the heart to leave her alone. She seemed so fragile, someone who needed to be protected. Gideon watched Rachel sleep and was now watching her get scared as she took in her surroundings.
He watched her eyes well up and her body shiver. She looked like a cornered rabbit, with her dough eyes looking for someone she knew would not find. She turned and twisted around until her gaze rested on him.
"Hello, Miss Zane. I am Gideon I was the one who found you last night. I am your new neighbour"
Rachels brows furrowed in confusion.
"Are you feeling alright?"
Rachel gave a swift nod and despite everything and wobbled down the hallway and ran out of the hospital with Gideon chasing her.
The minute she exited the hospital, she took in one long breath as of she just started breathing.
A deep voice called out for her. Gideon looked around to find that it was Johnathan Zane. Rachel leapt to his arms before crying hysterically.
Johnathan patted Rachel's hair make sounds to calm her down.
"We'll take you home baby girl. No hospital don't worry. You'll be fine. Nothing is going to happen to anyone now. Everything is alright"

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