Chapter 16

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Heyyyy here's another chapter! Forgive me for how badly this is written and how boring it is. It will be getting much juicier as the chapters go on, i promise! The song in this is called Mama's hand by Queen Naija but obviously i have had to change a couple words to make it fit! I will put a link at the end! Enjoy! 

Alaina is feeling much better and is laughing loudly. I'm sure that everyone around us must be sick of hearing her voice because she can be a loud little thing when the fancy takes her. Cheryl was right. The park has really cheered our Laney up and she is full of smiles as i chase her around. She loves her sister but she also loves having my full attention like she does now. The sun is out, the playground we are at is beautiful and so is Cheryl as she walks towards us with Paisley's hand in hers. 

"You look much happier!" 

Alaina sequels with delight as Cheryl tosses her into the air. Her little arms wrap around Cheryl's neck and she cranes her neck for a kiss off her Mammy. Cheryl kisses her and Alaina twists in her arms to point at something behind her. "Pai Pai slide!" she shouts so Cheryl puts her down so she can run over to her older sister who ran straight through the gates to play without even saying hello to me.

"Paisley!" I call over to her and she waves her hand at me from the top of the slide. Her face is shining, it looks like Cheryl has put half a bottle of sun cream on her but it is so hot today, she needs it. "Can you help Laney up for me?"

"Yes!" She calls back and slides down the slide with a "wee!" before helping her baby sister up the steps.

I turn to Cheryl as she pulls all of her hair on top of her head to create a messy bun like the one Paisley has right now and she smiles at me. "How was the studio?"

"I loved it. I didn't realise just how much i missed making music until i was back in there. I want to go back in a bit, after the girls have had a play. I have something i want to play for you"

"What is it?"

"It's a surpriseee" She sings and leans into my side but tries not to be overly friendly in case someone is watching us and she is the Cheryl Tweedy so there is always a pair of eyes on her from somewhere. "Paisley loved it too. Look-" She pulls her phone out of her back pocket of the shorts and opens up her camera roll to show me a black and white photo of Paisley grinning with a pair of huge headphones on top of her head and a microphone in front of her. I can see the happiness on her face and it matches the look on Cheryl's right now. 

"I know i say this all of the time but she really is a mini you, it's scary"

"What's so scary about that?" Cheryl pretends to be offended but ends up laughing. "She was as good as gold for us until i told her we had to leave. Honestly, Kim. I don't know where we got her from. Some of the things she comes out with makes me howl. She is a right cheeky little thing but in the most hilarious way"

"I don't know if i would describe her cheek as hilarious but she is a character, all right"

"You can say that again. She was on the phone to me mam before and told her that she was going to see Amy Winehouse... i didn't even know she knew who Amy Winehouse was" Cheryl tells me with amusement.

"Of course she knows who Amy Winehouse is, she is your daughter!"

"True" Cheryl laughs and looks over the playground to watch the girls playing together. They are actually playing nicely for once. Alaina is getting older now and has a mind of her own. She is not as stubborn or as impatient as Paisley but she still has her moments. She has started to give Paisley a run for her money which has been resulting in a lot of sisterly fights that i assume are just going to get worse as they get older. 

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