Chapter 33

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Sorry this took so long. I wrote it 3 times and each time i tried to upload it the whole thing kept deleting so this chapter is very badly written because when i was writing it for the third time i was sick to death and was rushing through it. Enjoy tho 😂

It has been half an hour and still no sign of Paisley. We have all been searching high and low for her but now the police have instructed Cheryl and i to stay with them at the pub so we can give them some more information on what clothes she is wearing, where she is likely to go and they keep asking if she has ever ran away before and if she is happy at home which she absolutely is. This is infuriating Cheryl who i am trying to be strong for but she just wants to look for Paisley herself instead of being stood here like a lemon and i understand because i want to be looking for her too but as tedious as these questions are they need answering because they might just help find our daughter.

The pub has been emptied. Everyone has been turfed out and two police officers are having another thorough look about in case she is hiding somewhere. When we finally find Paisley- and i know that we will i am going to give her a serious talking to. Paisley has been gone for 35 minutes and it feels like an age but i have to keep positive. I watch the two officers walk back out of the pub and they shake their heads when asked if there was any sign of her. 

"Well where the fuck is she then?" Cheryl is hysterical now and i am glad that Nadine has taken Alaina home because Cheryl is screaming and swearing every two minutes. I sent Sarah with Nadine because she was in a state too. I promised i will call them as soon as i hear anything so they are probably sat by the phone right know. 

"Cheryl, just try and stay calm-"

"What do you mean stay calm? Me baby has been missin' for half an hour and i should be out looking for her not stood here answering your poxy questions" She shouts back at the officer and shrugs his comforting hand off her arm.

I step in now and try and calm her down now because she is no use to anyone when she is like this. I feel the same as she does but i know that i cant go shouting and screaming at people who are only trying to help. As positive and strong as i am trying to be i am still finding it hard to string a sentence together as i am shaking so much. "Baby, shh. It's okay"

"It's not okay, is it though? What about any of this is okay?"

"Alright, don't start shouting at me. This isn't my fault! I was sorting out Alaina when all of this happened"

"So you're blaming me then, are you?"

Ignoring the way she is raising her voice at me because i know that she doesn't mean it i try to hug her but she pushes me off her none to gently and wipes at her face. I don't know why she bothered because she is starting to really cry now and when a policeman waves the officer we are talking to over Cheryl is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

"Whats happening? What is he saying?" I shout over at the two officers after they have been stood talking for a few seconds. The way one is talking into his little radio that is clipped onto his jacket is really putting the fear into me but as soon as he opens his mouth and lets us know what is happening he must see the worry vanish from both mine and Cheryl's faces.

"Your daughter has been found at another park about 5 minutes away from here. She is being brought over here as we speak and as far as we can tell she is not hurt in any way. She told my colleague that she wanted to go on an adventure so took herself for a walk"

"Oh thank God" I sink to the ground with relief flowing through my veins and Cheryl drops down beside me to hold me in her arms. Both of our tears are flowing now and she is pushing my hair behind my ears and kissing at my face. "She's alright, thank God she's alright" I say in no more than a whisper and Cheryl rests her forehead against mine. I have never been this relived ever in my life. This really has been the worst experience i have ever been through but i am just so happy in this moment that Paisley is safe and sound. I just want to know why she went off like she did because it is not like her at all. 

CHIM - Life in the limelight SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now