Chapter 32

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This is set 2 months after the last chapter 

"You look lovely, Pai" I smile at my oldest daughter as she admires herself in the full length mirror in my bedroom.

"Do i look like Mammy?" She asks flicking her hair over her shoulder and turning to look at herself again. This morning she begged me to curl her hair after i finished helping her get dressed because she wanted to look like Cheryl and even though i normally refuse to curl her hair because i don't like to put too much heat on her long, blonde locks, i agreed because i thought that it was incredibly cute that she wanted to look like her Mam.

"You look just like her, you could be twins!" I gasp and pull her down from the chest of drawers that she is climbing on top of. She has me run ragged morning and she has far too much energy for me as i feel like i am in need of a good full nights sleep. Last night was Cheryl's album release party so we all had a late night, including the girls who we took to the party with us. Both girls had the times of their lives. They really were the life and soul of the party and they were doted on all night by famous faces and household names. I was apprehensive about taking them with us. I thought that we should have hired a babysitter or left them with my mum but Cheryl had point blank refused. She wanted to share her special night with the two most important people in her life and i am glad that she stuck to her guns because it would not have been the same without them. At one point Paisley even got up on stage and with microphone in hand she gave a heartfelt speech congratulating her Mammy on her amazing new album and telling everyone how much she loves her. There was not a dry eye in sight when she ran off the stage and straight into a tearful Cheryl's arms. As a token of how appreciative Cheryl was of her words she instructed the DJ to play 'Babyshark' and the whole room watched with amusement as she got up on stage with her two girls to do the dance she has perfected.

I give up trying to stop Paisley from jumping on the bed now because she is not listening to me at all this morning so it is just a waste of time and energy trying to get her to behave. I even gave up on trying to get her to eat her breakfast and Cheryl did too because the fight was just not worth having.  "Can we go and play in the garden?" Paisley asks when Alaina comes into the room with her shoes and denim jacket on. She is ready to go so once Paisley has her jacket and beloved wellies on we can get out and enjoy the sun. Cheryl picked the girls outfits today and demanded that they both put their matching denim jackets on and now i know why. She comes skipping into our bedroom with her own denim jacket on and she looks as pleased as punch with how their matching outfits look but in all honesty i don't think the jackets will stay on long as it is so hot outside they will be discarded of in seconds.

When Cheryl is in the bedroom she comes over to hug me. "I love your hair today, babe. You really suit it up, it shows off your beautiful face" she tells me and kisses under my ear. Being in her arms always feels so good- it is my favourite place in the world and she knows it.

"Yeah, yeah. What are you after?" I giggle as she gives me more light kisses. 

"I'm not after anything, what a cheek!" 

I laugh at her offended tone and she lets me out of her embrace. "Paisley wanted her hair just like yours. You all look like triplets today with your matching hair and jackets"

"But am i the cutest?" Cheryl asks with a stupid look on her face and Alaina shakes her head.

"Me cute!" She points at herself, making us both laugh.

Paisley jumps from the mattress that she has been using as a trampoline and onto my back which takes me by surprise. My daughter's little arms around my neck almost strangle me to death and i would have dropped her if she hadn't held on to me so tight because i wasn't expecting her to launch herself at me. "Mummy you didn't answer me!" She whines. "I said can we go and play in the garden?"

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