Troubled Minds

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"What happened?" Seamus asked. I looked at him. "Oh, man, your face looks really fucked." I touched the spot where Aleks laid his hand on me. 

"Yeah, it's bruising, that's for fucking sure," I mummered, looking back down at my bowl of soup. 

"Where is he going? It's going to be really cold tonight... What happened?" Seamus hit me left and right with questions, and I sighed, drooping my shoulders and letting my spoon splash back down into my soup.

"I told him I loved him," I whispered, and faced Seamus again. His big, beautiful blue eyes were wide, but his mouth was pressed in a thin line. He looked away from my gaze. 

"So, you told him you loved him, and he slapped you. Smooth." 

"Shut up, that's not what happened," I spat, slurping some soup up from my spoon. Seamus didn't move, or change his expression at all. 

"Then tell me what happened." He said. I glared at my blond counterpart, only to be met with that same, cool stare. I pushed my soup away from me.

"It doesn't matter-" 


"I... He pissed me off. He yelled at me for telling him how I felt, and then I... I crossed the line. I was really angry, it was the heat of the moment, I didn't mean what I had said..." I groaned, and grit my teeth. "I fucked up everything." 

"You fuck up everything about 99.9% of the time," Seamus sighed, and I shot him a glare. 

"Wow, thanks, ass," I breathed.

"You always find a way to fix things in the end, though," Seamus shrugged, and smiled. I nodded, and gave a weak smile back. "And plus, there's still a chance he could come back. It's only been a couple of hours."

"Maybe I should go look for him," I said, pushing away from the counter. Seamus shrugged.

Aleks P.o.V.

"It's fucking freezing out here. Just let me crash here for tonight, dude!" I shoved my hands into my pockets, trying to steal as much body heat from myself. 

"Weren't you staying with that one guy... What was his name..." Dex let his eyes wander. Fucking stingy asshole... 

"No, I'm not staying with him anymore," I spat. "C'mon, just let me in, please!" I practically begged. Dex tapped his fingers against the door frame. 

"I-I dunno, my landlord is kind of an asshole..." Dex lied. "What about that one guy... Jordan, or whatever his name is." I let out a long, agitated sigh. 

"I can't stay with him either. Give me Kevin's number," I rolled my eyes in annoyance, and Dex blinked at me before fumbling into his pocket and pulling out his iPhone and giving me the number. "Thanks, asshole." I stomped down his apartment steps, and made my way towards a payphone, avoiding the... Broken one. 

James P.o.V. 

Seamus' nonchalant attitude about Aleks being gone made me feel a little better, so I didn't go searching for him. He would be back, right? I mean, of course he survived on his own without me, but... I sighed, and pulled my laptop onto my lap, turning off my bedside lamp. My phone vibrated next to me. I picked it up, and unlocked the screen to reveal a text message from Seamus. 

Seamus (·̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿·̿ ̿): what are you doing

I rolled my eyes, and punched a quick message into the keypad. 

 James: are you seriously texting me rn? im literally in the room RIGHT next to yours. 

Seamus (·̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿·̿ ̿): im lazy, i dont feel like pulling my blankets off, standing up, walking towards my door, opening the door, and walking 2 ft to your bedroom door so i can knock on the door and be told to go the fuck away. so what are you doing

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