Chapter 5

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AN: Yes, I'm not dead, and neither is this story. My explanation is at the end. Enjoy the chapter.

When Jay finally woke up, it took a good ten seconds for her to realize where she was, and another fifteen for the memories of the previous day to flood back. She looked toward her shoulder only to find, to her surprise, that Amethyst was gone. A dire thought crept into her mind and it filled her with dread. Just when she was about to panic, Jay felt something soft brush against her chest. Looking down, she saw Amethyst curled up in her lap, snoring peacefully as she nuzzled against her torso. Jay sighed in relief and smiled knowing that yesterday wasn't a dream.

"Heh. You had me scared for a moment, Amy," said Jay, lightly stroking Amethyst's hair before planting a kiss on her forehead. Jay figured it would be best to let her little sister rest, especially after what she had been through recently.

After a few minutes, Jay felt Amethyst start to stir in her sleep. Yawning, the small quartz stretched her arms and legs before opening her eyes.

"Morning, sis," Amethyst said, rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, M," the larger quartz replied.

"Y'know, you didn't have to watch over me while I was sleeping." Amethyst stretched. "If anything happened, I could easily take care of myself,"

"I know, but I'm not taking any chances. Especially if Miss Butt-Face finds out you reformed," said Jay. As if on cue, the doors opened and Holly Blue Agate stormed into the room.

"All of you out of your cubbies! You all have duties to attend to, so get to it!" she demanded. All of the quartzes hopped out of their cubbies and made their way to exit. Holly turned to Amethyst and glared. "I see that the runt has reformed."

Amethyst smirked deviously. "And I see that you've finally returned from your three-hour flight around the station. How was your view from the leg of the Roaming Eye?"

Holly growled as she blushed in embarrassment. "You told her?!"

"I had to. It was hilarious," said Jay.

"That's beside the point! I'm here to let you know that until her ship is repaired, I will be placing this brat in the holding cells," said Holly "Each of you will take shifts watching her."

"What?!" Jay hissed.

"I don't care what type of affection you hold towards this... thing," Holly said, grabbing Amethyst and walking toward the door. "She is a rebel and I cannot allow her to roam around-- OOOWW!!" Holly's rant was cut off by a sudden pain in her wrist. She released her grip on Amethyst and pulled back her arm, only to find that it had a huge bite mark.

"She bit me!" Holly shouted. "That's disgusting!"

"Then keep your hands to yourself, you wannabe Avatar reject!" Amethyst spat. Jay quickly rushed forward and pulled Amethyst over to her.

"She stays with us," Jay hissed, glaring venomously at the agate.

"You cannot be serious!" Holly exclaimed.

"Do I look like I'm joking?!" Jay shouted. "She stays with us and that's final! And, stars help me, if you ever touch a single hair on her head again, I will tie you to the front of a Roaming Eye and have it ram you into the side of the station. Then do it back over again just to make sure it did the job!"

A wave of fear washed over Holly, but she still managed to keep her composure. "Fine. B-But don't forget who's in charge, 8XJ!" exclaimed Holly, as she made her way to the exit.

"Dang, Jay. You didn't have to do all that. I wouldn't mind being put in a cell," said Amethyst. "It's not like there's anything to do here."

Jay smiled and promptly kissed her sister on the cheek before speaking. "It's like I said last night, I love you and I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."

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