Tom Vs Zendaya Pt.1

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ariana: so what are you guys doing to benefit ur careers ?

tom: my manager wants me to be or star the next top movie

justin: 'top movie'? lol ur a joke

tom: i am known to be the best actor/actress in the world. who are you talking ab ?

selena: he's probably just mad bcoz you have better acting skillz than him lol

tom: thank you sel❤️

kylie: sorry tom but i don't agree w you

leigh: true lol

tom: ok what did i ever do to u guys to not like me

ariana: i like u as a bff tom but i don't agree either

tom: than who's this 'amazayn' actor/actress that's better then me ?

liam: the one and only ...


tom: daya ?! really ?! what ab me ?!

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tom: daya ?! really ?! what ab me ?!

kendall: who's tom ? i only know zendaya lol





perrie: she's a boss

justin: lemme add irreplaceable

leigh: how many awards did she win ?

camila: probably around 50+

niall: what about tom ?

shawn: 50-

ariana: 😂

tom: if you guys think she's the best than lemme prove that i'm better !

selena: rly ?

tom: yeah !

hailey: ok

hailey adds zendaya to Crazy People

zayn: *enters the chat*

zendaya: just my place

zendaya: wassup friends & kendall

harry: the shade is real af ^


zendaya: i have question for jailey

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zendaya: i have question for jailey

justin: what's up ?

zendaya: so you guys are married ?

hailey: yeah

zendaya: like husband and wife ?

justin: mhm

zendaya: damn justin you a real fuck up v

zayn: ^ see y'all. i'm not the only fuck up

zendaya: if you mean leaving 1d & breaking my gurl perrie's heart than yes u are

zayn: i thought we were friends 😕

selena: zayn, were your friends. we just curse & roast and shade you a lot

camila: preach^

jesy: just for the record i'm not your friend



louis: what ab u pez ?

perrie: idk

shawn: smh

kylie: lemme get this straight, he broke off an engagement with you, he called you all those things, fans created a hashtag #dieperrie, and he moved on 2 months later and you were dust AND you don't know if your friends w him ?!

kendall: damn kyl, your rly into this

kylie: during the time the only thing i'd see on my social media is the 'zerrie breakup'

tom: for some reason i was tagged too

justin: same

selena: unfortunately me 2

ariana: so like was this gc ... like meant to be ?

hailey: think so

jade: who else but me wants to watch zendaya vs. tom ?

















tom: let's pick da judges

zendaya: perrie, zayn, shawn

selena: what ab me😢

tom: i pick sel too


zayn: guys can we add gigi back ? she's pretty upset she's missing this

jesy: nope. continue

ariana: i'm your host grande !

niall: so original

ariana: SHUT UP NEIL ! like i was saying the first round is the funniest memes ! the judges will decide which is the best. (aka zayn, perrie, shawn, selena)

hailey: i think WE ALL know that

ariana: stfu hailey

justin: don't talk to her like that

ariana: no can do, eraser

ariana: anddddd start !

A/N: so yeah i left y'all on a cliffhanger 😈 i was gonna make it longer but i guesses i stop it here lol

who do you thinks gonna win ? in my opinion i want tom to win but idk myself yet tho

if y'all have any suggestions for ppl i should add or remove tell meh

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