Skype FaceTime

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ariana: y'all we've never talked to each other

zayn: are you high on crack or...?

perrie: what he MEANT to say is, what do you mean 'never talk' ?

justin: are y'all talking talking about zayn and harry ? cuz...

selena: wtf justin😂

hailey: do you mean text talk cuz that's what we're best at

ariana: can y'all shut the fuck up plz ?

ariana: i mean like we never video chat

harry: tru

kylie: so ur saying we shud video chat ?

ariana: yeah on skype

kendall: i'm down🙋‍♀️

camila: same here🤷‍♀️

big sean: ok get it ready

Ariana's POV

sometimes i wonder why i'm friends with a bunch of idiots but i sure do fit in. is taylor even active ? she's probably too busy being rich to hang with us lol

i get the skype video chat ready before opening up. but before i do i change into something like like an original ariana grande look...

and yes i brought the bangs back just because they're cute and everyone will be in total love

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and yes i brought the bangs back just because they're cute and everyone will be in total love. it's not that i'm trying to impress anyone i just wanna have a good impression with everyone because we've been in this chat for probably half a year

i grab my phone to ask everyone where the heck are they because when i checked my computer no one was active

ariana: where are y'all ? tf u is not active

kendall: lol patience ari

taylor: joining*

drake: yay tay's in

zendaya: yay for us😒

tom: i'm online

camila: ok everyone shut up now and get ur computers ready

i laugh at camila's comeback which i bet shut down and made everyone else laugh

i get my computer ready as well because it's about to die so i head for the charger and try using it at the same time

the first thing i do is start the video chat and i see all my bestest friends in front of my screen

the first thing i do is start the video chat and i see all my bestest friends in front of my screen

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"hiiiii!" i start with a bright smile

"hey girlfriend. omg u brought the bangs back!" taylor happily shouts

"ari, i dunno why you quit the bangs in the first place." camila raises her hands in defense from my funny look

"ooo hailey and drizzy. so what's cookin?" perrie rests her hand on her chin

"calm down we're just friends hanging at bells party." hailey says normally until drake elbows her and she covers her hand with her mouth

"wait what party?" kendall asks

"nothing." drake casually takes a sip of his wine

"is bella having a party without us?" zayn asks

"umm. yes! she is, she didn't want you guys to come because she said you were mean to her." hailey admits which makes us all look around for proof that we were mean to her

"look, even if we were mean to her, we roast everyone in the group chat." justin explains which makes everyone agree

"anyWHORE, were most definitely removing her." harry ends it with everyone nodding

before i was gonna say something shawn, zendaya, tom, gigi, jade, and sean join the chat which makes us all cheer and go woo hoo

before i was gonna say something shawn, zendaya, tom, gigi, jade, and sean join the chat which makes us all cheer and go woo hoo

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"i'm gonna fooking kill you all for blowing up my computer begging me to join." tom jokes and everyone laughs

"hey guys! how're you doing?" gigi politely asks

"great! you?" jade answers while buckling her seat belt

"great too thanks for asking."

"where are you going jade?" kylie asks

"i'm gonna go visit my family for a bit. but i decides to call my second family before i go to my first." jade smiles

we all go aww and big sean, of course ruins it by saying 'eww' but i personally think this is my second family

"we love you too jade." i blow a kiss

"have you guys heard?" tom questions us

"heard what?" taylor questions back

"heard that i'm making a new disney pixar movie called On Ward. it releases 2020."  he answers and uses drum role at the beginning

"why 2020? it's so far." justin whines

"it's almost 2019. night changes like a snap of a finger." perrie comments

"what are we doing for new years?" hailey asks

"we should totally hang out or have a party or times square." shawn suggests

"we most def can't go to times square because the paps." harry points out

"party it is." selena finishes

"and i swear if you forget my birthday..." jade jokes and we all laugh along

"i seriously like it when we bond like this."
gigi says with full seriousness

"yeah, like when none of us are ass holes." zayn adds

"i like it when were shady tho." sean smirks

"shut up big shit." i playfully smile

"gotta go. i have to interview my new manager." zendaya informs us and that's our cue to end the call

"make sure he isn't an ass hole or were pulling up." justin jokes and we laugh for the hundredth time

"ok justin." zendaya says

"good luck with life and god may help you. and let's do this again!" zayn ends and we all wave good bye and nod

i plop my self on my bed and just pass out


(yassss facetimes! i'm rly happy this happened bc i've planned it for so long that i couldn't wait. i'm also sry for not adding abel i jus don't like him as much as my gang😝. also i rly do suck at POV's)

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