Chapter 1

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***Photo of Eliana Davis above***

Seriously?? Of all other schools in the whole country, he chose to send me to this one?

In case you are wondering, my name's  Eliana Davis and I'm currently standing in front Bakewell High School and its staring back at me with all its glory and power. It is a large baronial building surrounded by a large wall with a massive black gate imprinted with "Bakewell High School".

Firstly, let me tell you how my life came to this moment.

I have green eyes and long brown hair and I would like to call myself pretty because I'm an exact replica of my mum who looked just like an angel. I really don't remember how my mum looked like but I have seen photographs of her. She died when I was five in a car accident so my memory of her is very vague. My dad is the only family I have and I love him to death. He's my hero and my best friend, like literally because I'm not a social person so I don't bother to make friends at school.


Anyways, about a week before my 16th birthday, i woke up one day with a tattoo on my shoulder which was a small sun. At first I thought it was just a sticker but I tried to wash it off until my skin went red. However, it was still there until I came to the conclusion that it was a tattoo. I started panicking and the only thing running through my head was, "How did I get this and my dad is going to kill me."

My dad was understanding so I decided to just suck it up and go tell him. I expected him to be a little bit angry but his reaction was surprising. His face became pale as all the colour drained out of his face. He hurriedly told me that he will sort it out and I didn't understand what he meant which made me even more confused. I tried to question him but he rushed upstairs and I heard him make a phone call although I couldn't make out what he was saying since the door was looked and his voice was muffled.

From then on weird stuff started happening, my dad was acting distant like as if he was hiding something from me which really hurt because I was already confused about the tattoo and he wasn't helping me.
But the weirdest thing that started happening was objects hovering in the air when I got highly emotional.

On my 16th birthday, when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I woke up with a large tattoo of wings on my back. I was so shocked that I let out a high pitched scream and my dad came running upstairs and banged on my door to open it up. I quickly went to open my door for him.

"Eli, what's wrong?" He asked me with a panicked look on his face.

I hesitantly explained to him that I woke up with another large tattoo of wings on my back with tears flowing down my face due to my state of shock.

"Dad w-what's happening to me?" I asked as my voice broke a little.

"Okay....I need to tell you something." He replied with a defeated look.

Hey everyone,
This is my first story so I hope you like it.
If there are any spelling mistakes, I'm sorry. But I hope you like it.
I'll try to update as soon as possible.


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