Chapter 1 Planning a Mission???

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Narrator pov.
This is AFTER the end video so yah!
Tord was returning to the red army base to do some important missions one included a girl he didn't know and Tom!!

Tord: Uhhhhh do I really have to track these people....
Patryck: Yes red leader I am positive and I think you will be able to track the girl easily.
Paul*puts down a picture of y/n* And I think you could make her your maid if you like her because she's quite cute!
Patryck: HEY!!!
Paul: You jealous?*winks*
Tord: Can you guys flirt in a different room please or at least give me the plan then flirt.
(Patryck and Paul turn bright as a tomato)
Paul:OH yes the PLAN is to capture the girl then get her to get Tom so it's easier okay?
Tord: Okay that seems easy...i guess..
Paul: Can we flirt now?
Tord: =_=
Paul: Seriously?Patryck no....
Patryck: He is our son RIGHT!!!
Paul: Yes sweety ;)
Tord: Are we having a family discussion now?
Paul: Oh sorry*gives Tord the plan*
Patryck: Bye-bye son~
Tord: Bye father.
Paul*birds Tord*
Tord: Hahaha

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