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Ayumi's Pov

Me and Katayama walked down the empty halls of Tenjin, looking for anyone, anything to help us

"You think there's anything behind here?" Katayama jiggled a locked door knob, looking concerned

"AaaAAAAah! Don't hurt me! I'm just here because I was put here! I'll leave!"


"*gasp* Shinosaki?"

"Yea" She opened the door opened and a horrible looking Emi Tasuke appeared

"This is Ryosuke Katayama, He's from Byakudan"

"Oh! You go to school with Kizami-San, Kurosaki-San, and Shimada-San, right? I think I might of met you once or twice..."

"Are you Kizami's cousin?"


"Seems you two know each other!" They nodded

"Emi, what happened?"

"Kizami-San happened"

"What'd he do?" Katayama said

"U-U-Uh... rather not talk about it..."

"Okay... if you ever want to talk about it, you can talk to me..."


"The hat? Oh, got it from my aunt. No clue where it's from!" A new person said, but following, we heard a familiar chuckle

"Carter-Chan, You're really weird"

"But that's why I know any of you!" A girl, about my hight but only about 14 bumped into me, due to walking backwards

"Oh! Hey, I'm Carter Coy. It's a pleasure to meet me!"

"Carter!" Kurosaki said behind her

"Kurosaki-Kun! Kizami-San!"

"Oh, hello, Shinosaki"

"Hello Shinosaki!"

"Oh hi der Shinosaki!" Carter said "What? Oh, Ey Kata. Sup Em?" Emi waved and Katayama smiled sheepishly

"Wait Emi?" (He didn't see her because she was in the classroom and he was outside of it) "Oh my god, I'm so happy you're safe"

"Kizami-San!" Emi whined, as he let her go

"What'd he do?" She looked around then half-whispered

"He touched my butt" I laughed a little, and she giggled with me, her curly reddish brown hair bouncing a little. He came and put an arm around her

"Hi" He said putting his head on Emi's shoulder. Katayama, Kurosaki and "Carter" were further up in the group

"Kizami-San? Are you alright?"

"I'm okay, Shinosaki. I'm happy that Emi-Chan is alive though"


"I missed you"

"Awwwww! If you two get married can you adopt me?"

"It's illegal..."

"Ah, Carter. If I can change your name"

"Deal! Yay! I have a Oto-San that actually loves me!"

"What?" Kurosaki spoke up "Does your Oto-San now not love you?" Carter scratched her head

"You can say if he doesn't" Katayama said. By now we've all stopped and formed a small group around Carter

"Carter-Chan..." Kizami said and lowered to one knee "I want you to give us an answer. He whispered something but I couldn't hear it. She started to cry and hugged his neck, and I came and put a hand on her shoulder. I didn't know her, but she obviously deserved the most sympathy possible. He picked her up, getting back to standing, and mouthed to me

"Let's go"

A/N: Yes carter is 14 and 4'10 her dad is abusive and who knows where her mother is and look how she acts. She is awesome. And everyone ignores Emi

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