A New Guard, A New Attack

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Skylar gazes out onto her colorful kingdom. Her world. She gray eyes slip over to a dark red dragon landing in the passing zone. Was it her mother's? No, it couldn't be, she was at the kingdom of Hearth's court for two months, it had only been three weeks.

She turned away from her balcony. She wondered what the message was. Was it about her mother, an ally or some unimportant junk mail? Taking stairs two by two, Skylar marched down the steps, followed by an unfamiliar guard. She stops at the step before the hall and looks over at him. The guard is a good height, maybe five-ten or so. He had light chocolate hair and tan skin.

"So you're my new guard then?" She said in attempt not to sound rude, she really hadn't been paying any attention before.

"Yes, Your Highness," he replied, with a sharp ting of annoyance. Skylar meets eyes with him. They were nothing like she'd seen before, they were bright green with a hint of yellow along the edges and a dark green lining his pupil.

After a breath the princess asked or more insisted, "What is your name?" She'd rather not leave a guard nameless.

"Carden," he answers in an even tone. No 'Your Highness'? That's kind of nice. She thought to herself in complete calm and smiled, not meaning to. He didn't say anything about it. She continued walking down the long hall.

"Ah, one of my favorite princesses!" A deep, friendly voice announced. The king, her father, smiled warmly and turned to the straight-faced guard beside her. "Ah I hope she didn't cause to much trouble," he stopped for a moment, she guessed he was trying to remember Carden's name. He didn't continue. Skylar saw his shoulders dropped, slightly, his face was unchanged. His hand was tensed near his sword to pull it out at any threat. His eye moved quickly across the hall as they walked on.

"Yes, your Majesty." He said showing no emotion.

"Well, we got a message from Kaldom, you remember, they have the finceset schools and they have just send word to all of their allies that they have opened a high school for the royal called Maytion High, named after a famous teacher from their kingdom. We have decided to send you there."

The princess widened her gray eyes. "Well, I'd love to go, but-"

"Great, it's settled, we'll need a guard, possibly in the age of high school learning so they can protect and learn. Oh! They should be the same age as you so they can go to all your classes." Her father ignored her 'but' and kept talking. "How old are you?" he said eyeing the boy that stood beside them. Carden's green eyes hid any emotion that surely passed through his mind.

"I am fifteen, turning sixteen your Majesty." The guard said. She looked at him curiously, looking over his muscular frame, how young was he when he became a guard?

"Hm, then you will have the honor of going with my daughter to Maytion High School." He announced.

As the king turned away Carden's face changed fear and anger enveloped his features. Just as quickly as it appeared it was gone when he realized that she was looking at her. He glared and then, most likely realized who he glaring at, stopped. She gave him a mischievous grin. He turned away as her father rattled off the other kingdoms that were also coming.

One of them was Shylar, a very rich and powerful kingdom, who she thoughts king was a jerk. If one of his allies- many allies- did something to help him of stop someone from blowing him up, which she could see why someone wanted to do that, he gives them a ton of gold, to show off his money and to say 'thanks for not letting me be killed, aren't I so handsome?' The unsheathing of a sword broke her daydreaming. Carden was in front of them with three other guards, she could tell how much younger he was compared to the others, there was a man running toward them, all sweaty and out of breath.

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