A New Birthday, A New Secret

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Skylar stretched her arms in the air above her bed, yawning all the while. She swings her legs over the side of her bed and pulled herself off. Stumbling over to her closet, she yawns once more then finds a bell and rings it. It called for Cerlen, it had just been cleaned yesterday and was put back in last night after dinner.

In a few moments, Cerlen appeared knocking at the princess's door.

"Come in!" Skylar called out. Cerlen sauntered into her room to the closet,

"What are we going for today, your highness? Something fancy for your birthday dear?"

Skylar took a long moment to think, "What do you think?" Cerlen turned from the open closet to Skylar who was sitting on her bed. She bit her lip and scowalled turning back to the open doors, she shuffled through the clothes. Then, let out a satisfied sigh as she pulled out a nice red dress. It had glitter marking the slanted waist, the waterfall of fabric fell from that point, a small train rained from the back.

"It'll fit your dark red hair darling." The glimmer of excitement for the dress never left the maid's face. Skylar stands and inspects the dress. She looks up to the lady-in-waiting.

"It's beautiful. I'll wear it."

"Yes!" Cerlen shouted in victory and did a small celebration dance. She undressed and redressed the girl. "It looks lovely on you!" She squeaks out, excitement danced across her face again. The dress was a comfortable fabric, it was a little much but, the excitement from Cerlen kept her from saying anything. She her way to the door.

"Your hair!" Cerlen raced to her side, "We can braid it or-"

"Braid it." Skylar was done for the day with Cerlen. The maid directed her to a mirror and began on an hour long hair styling. Once it was finished. Skylar left to the dinning hall. The room was darkened. She could clearly see everyone hiding though. A butler lit the candles in a rushed manner, the chandler was lit.

Her father and Kayth, among a few of her friends, rushed up to her, smiles covered their faces. Some awkwardly began to sang then stopped as others shouted 'Happy Birthday!' In glee. Skylar let out a small laugh and smiled.

"You look pretty." Kayth stated as she hooks herself to her sister's side. The king nodded,

"Let's eat!" He bellowed and left to take his seat, her friend, Priya's green eyes flashed with happiness to see her friend. Her eyes weren't like Carden's, her's were more hazel and not as vibrate. Copper hair fell down her back reaching the middle of it. A dark blue dress covered her somewhat muscular frame. It was just covering her knees. Her green eyes locked with someone beyond Skylar's view.

"New guard, Sky?" She asked. The princess turned looking over her guards.

"Yeah, his name's Carden. He'll be going to school with me, he won't say anything about himself and we'll be traveling for days together too!" She whined. Priya raised a brows. A dark smile came across her face.

"I'll question him." The princess's friend tightened her fist and began stomping over to Carden.

"Look, green-eyes, you better tell my friend about yourself," her eyes narrowed and smiled, "or my fist will meet your face."

"Ha! 'Green-eyes'? You have green eyes too." Priya scowled at his remark. She pulled her fist back and raised it. Skylar leaped forwards and grabbed her forearm before she could swing.

"No fighting at my birthday," The princess stated and shoved her friend's arm down.

"I think a good birthday present for Her Highness would be answering her questions." Priya growled at the guard.

He frowned back at her, "I did answer her questions."

"Honestly not comically, I mean." Priya remarked. Skylar looked to her friend then to her guard,

"That, would be nice," Carden scowled at what she had began to say, "just one question, please!"

"Fine." He stated, straight faced, but some pout shown through.

She asked the first question that came to mind, "How many siblings do you have and what is your.... Rank? Like youngest, oldest, you know."

"That's two questions."

"Answer them or I'll beat your face in." Priya threatened. Carden looks over to Skylar,

"You have a very violent friend."

"I'd answer them, she follows through with her threats." Skylar said carefully.

"Well," Carden took a breath, "I'm the youngest of four." Priya nodded and walked to her spot at the table and waved for the princess to join her, she did. They chatted as the guards did between themselves.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone race up to Carden, she turned in her seat to see who. It was a guard with slightly graying dark brown hair. He pulled the guard into a strong hug then looked at him while holding his shoulders. Carden seemed brightened up and talked and the man talked as well.

"Who's that?" The princess's friend asked from her side. Skylar shrugged.

"His dad or something?" Skylar suggested.

"No, the guy had brown eyes, the brown eyed gene would have carried to him."

"How can you see he has brown eyes?"

Either not hear or ignoring Her Highness's question, the girl continued, "Unless his eyes are like an heirloom and a stronger gene..."

"Father?" Skylar called to clear things up.

"Yes, Skylar?" He answered, his blue eyes meeting his daughter's gray.

"Who's that and is he Carden's father?" Skylar points the guard out.

"That is lieutenant Dayrick. I don't believe he has any children, but maybe he's somewhat 'adopted' Carden." the king answered.

"Huh." Was the princess's last remark before her birthday breakfast was served. It was cinnamon pancakes and crispy bacon. The whiff of bacon caught her nose before it was served. Her mouth watered at the thought of it. She thanked the person who had served her and dug in. After she had finished up, the princess retired into her room. She took a breath.

A headache bashed into her skull. Skylar dragged herself to her bed and curled up into a ball. Her breath quicked, her vision began to go. The darkness didn't last for long. Memories, forgotten somehow, came back, a headache of emotions, cold fear, warm happiness, and fiery anger. Fire. Fire was in her veins, magic. Wings. Wings hidden under her skin. Hidden from her life, maybe others too.

The wings and fire had awakened.


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