Chapter 4

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Izuku POV

"He probably won't ever get out of this bed."

I fell over. My head hit the floor and made a loud KLUNK noise, but as a he nurses were rushing around me like bees, I just stared up at space. Kacchan, never being able to get out of this hospital bed?

Kacchan, the strong willed and energetic boy I grew up with?

Kacchan, my bully.

He told me to commit suicide many times, but I still followed him. Swan diving off roofs, jumping into a swimming pool with a toaster in it. Even just simply hanging myself.

I did this.

Me, a quirkless. Me, a useless boy. Me, take down him.

The world turned black



I heard this voice ring through my ears and I opened my eyes. I saw the face of a nurse. Probably around 25 years old. Huh, she's too young to be a nurse. Isn't the average age around 30?

I groaned and turned to my other side. There, I saw the sleeping, pale face of Kacchan.

I yelped and jumped up. Kacchan didn't move or react to me ar all. I instantly fet a pair of hands pushing me gently down to the bed, but I stayed sitting as firm as a rock. The pair of hands finally gave up.

"Sir, do you feel better now?" A gentle voice asked me.

I looked around, then stared directly at the nurse.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm fine." I take a quick look at Kacchan.

The nurse chuckled uneasily. "Yeah, he is in a state of partial paralysis from the waist down, but at the moment he's in a coma. Lot's of brain damage to the head."

"Oh." I let my head sink into the palms of my hands. I did this.

The nurse, sensing my worried, instantly wrapped her arms around me " It's okay! Really! You did it in self defense! This young boy was bullying and assaulting you, correct?" She straightened up and cleared her throat. "Hum, really, it should've been you in the hospital bed." She then looked down at me and corrected her sentence " -in a coma."

I couldn't listen anymore to her rambling. 



"May I leave? I feel better, honestly! My head feels much more clear it was 5 minutes ago and my eye sight isn't so blurry anymore." My head hurts, and her face just looks like a blob of color.

"Oh! Yes sir! Of course you may leave. Follow me."

She jumped up and led me out of the hospital. I'm guessing for her the conversation was starting to get awkward too.

I finally stepped out of the hospital, the Japan air brushing through my hair and the cold sting of the winter on my face.

As I looked around my sorroundings, I saw Kacchan's mother standing across the street, glaring at me in suprise and anger. Even though the light was red, she still walked on the road, causing a lot of honking horns, but she didn't seem to hear them.

She was there for me.

I was scared, terrified even! This is Kacchan's mother we're talking about. Not your average housewife. I remember the days when me and Kacchan were still friends, and seeing streaks of red on his face. Kacchan always claimed that it was his cat, but I knew it wasn't.

He's allergic to cats.

Now Kacchan's mother is 20 feet from me.











She's here.

She walked straight up to me, and wasted no time. She gave me a slap on the face.

"That's for Katsuki." She murmered. I never heard her speak so quietly.

She then stared directly at me.

"You better leave Musutafu."

That's all she said. She then walked away to a grocery shop across the shop, leaving me dazed and confused.

Leave? My hometown? My mother's grave? My memories?

On second thought, that may be the best idea. I won't get bullied anymore. I won't have to be reminded that my actions caused Kacchan's downfall. I won't be seen.


"I'm Home!" 

I don't know what I'm expecting. No one's there to greet me. Of course.

I waste no time, flinging my backpack across the room, and I pulled out my laptop from it's protective sleeve. On Googl, I searched up "Most Peaceful places to live."

A few things popped up.


Heh, not anymore.


Yeah, no. I'd rather not be reminded that I'm an unreligious scumbag.


As hard as I tried, I could'nt think of a reason why not to go there.

I booked the first train ride there.

There are obiously a few things I overlooked. My house? I put it up for sale. My suitcase? I packed it in 5 minutes. My education? I'm 18 and I think that's enough to get a job somewhere.

I'm ready.


It's 3:27 in the morning, and I'm on the train to Fujiosha. I don't know what to feel. I just feel empty.


Author's note:

100+ reads? Thank you all so much! As promised, the next chapter is when the things start to get fun ;). I want to thank all of you for reading this trash fanfic, and I love you my Angels <3

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