Chapter 8

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Izuku POV

Ugh, my head hurts like crazy.

I slowly sat up and was immedietly weighed down by a pair of arms.  I slowly detached the arms from my torso as to not to wake the owner, and then tried to sit up again. I failed.

I looked down at my lower half to try to see what else is keeping me down, and I noticed that I was wearing an oversized T-shirt. I don't own any oversized shirts.

Then, I noticed my legs were wrapped around someone's abdomen- waait.

Stranger's arm around me, in a strange smelling room, wearing clothes that aren't mine, wrapping my legs around perfectly defined abs...


A literal second later, my neck was being held and my windpipe was crushed. I then saw the menacing face of Shoto glaring at me.

Then, as quickly as it started, he let go of my neck and looked at me in a "I'm sorry" manner.

As I thought, he did apologize "I'm sorry Midoriya. After years of training, you can never let down your gaurd."

I laughed nervously and replied" Heh, I guess so."

I looked sheepishly up at him and asked " You didn't.... do anything, did you?"

He looked down at me and chuckled. "No. I'm not that kind of person." But then he bit his bottom lip and changed the whole feeling of the situation " But I must say you have a pretty good body, I wouldn't mind taking you in. I can't wait to hear your lewd voice calling my name in bed."

I turned to my right side so he wouldn't see the blush creeping on my face. Ugh, why did I have to be gay? This guy is mocking me when I asked a serious question, so why did I blush? 

We layed like that for a few minutes before it got too awkward and I couldn't take it anymore. I need to make conversation.

"Izuku Midoriya."

"I know."

Ah, yeah, I forgot. I'm "famous."

I mentally slapped myself. Now I made the atmosphere more awkward.

I sat up and lifted myself off of the bed.

Before I got  up, however, Shoto's voice came out of nowhere and said

"Todoroki Shoto."


"Todoroki Shoto. My name."

"Oh, heh, okay then Todoroki-kun."

"Just call me Shoto."

"But isn't that your hero name? And we barely know each other! It's wrong, isn't it."

Todoroki-kun then tussled his hair and sighed in annoyance. Then, he looked at me like how a dog looks at its bone. Weird comparison, but you get the idea, right?

"Then should we get to know each other, Izuku?"

A shiver of pleasure came through my body, but that's normal. For me at least. Heck, when Kacchan calls me Deku, I get turned on.


I pushed him away and scrambled out of the bed

"S-sorry Todoroki-kun, but I, uh, I'm already in a relationship and I-I need to go somewhere right this instant! Goodbye!"

 Before I got to open the door, it got blocked off in a wall of ice. My hand was touching the door knob, so I was also physically attached to wall.

I struggled as Todoroki-kun aproached me with a menacing look on his face.

As he got near me, he bent down to my level, and leaned foward.

As any normal person would do, I spat in his face and kicked him where it hurts. Don't ask why he didn't freeze my legs to the ground.

But unlike the last time I did that, he stopped froze my kneecap and evaporated the saliva before it reached his face.

"Phew, I nearly missed that one! You never spat in my face before."

"How did you stop my knee? I spent years perfecting my art."

He merely laughed at this comment as if it was a joke.

It wasn't.

"I'm not falling for that again. When you prepare to knee someone, your face always scrunches up and you ball your fists. Your body also goes stiff, so it wasn't that hard to figure out."

I stared at him in awe before then again regaining my common sense. Why am I admiring my assaulter?

"Why did you trap me here? My hand is freezing, and I don't want to die before I have sex with Ka-"

I shut up. I said too much. It's a habit of mine and may as well be the death of me. I looked back at Todoroki-kun and was prepared to be mocked, but instead saw  I saw his arms crossed with a cool facial expression.

"Yeah, go on?"

"Uh, have sex with Kacchan."

Wait, why did I say that? I should've kept quiet. But his look was so distant yet threatning. I thought I was going to die if I didn't obey his request. 

I then sheepishly look up at him, and saw his face was contorted in... rage?

He then grabbed my shoulders and shook them


"He-uh, is a 18 year-old male who got into-"

"I'm afraid you misundersood my question. Who is Kacchan to you?"

I blushed for like, the tenth time today.

"He's, um, my, friend."

Todoroki-kun raised his eyebrows." Friend?"


Todoroki-kun sighed and mumbled something I couldn't hear. Then, he let go of my shoulders, and sank down on the ground.

At this, I became slightly nervous. This confident, cocky man suddenly became this, insecure brat.

"You don't have to be like that, Todoroki-kun. It's okay! You probably didn't mean for it to soun-"



"I want you to call me Shoto, not Todoroki-kun. Everytime you say that name, you remind me of him."


Todoroki-kun- I mean, Shoto, shook his head "No, nothing. It's not important."

He then looked up and smiled at me "Can I call you Izuku?"

"S-sure." That bastard, making me do whatever he wants.

"Say my name."



Author's note: Sorry for this crap chapter, but I was bored and wanted to write another chapter for this book. Just a notice, however, the next time I post may be in late January or early February because, school :)

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