3, Lake (Brother Bradley)

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I tidied up the pews, putting the hymn books into the proper shelves, and picking up stray papers. Today's sermon was rather slow, but I didn't mind. As long as people came to learn, I was happy with what I was doing. Even though I did put on a stone like appearance, I really did love my job and the people I taught.

As I thought about this, Lawrence walked through the door. "We need you to help us, doll," he said quietly, as not to disturb the peace, "We need your keen senses and state of mind."

I sighed quietly, turning to him, "The Phoenix? He's rather dangerous... I'll do it, but I can't do it tomorrow morning; I have a sermon I need to finish writing."

Lawrence nodded, "Alright, tomorrow morning. Let's look at the files; is it alright if we do it here?" I muttered an okay, then a comment on how I hated how he called me 'doll'. He laughed and assured me it was nothing, just a term of endearment. 


the ending feels rushed as all hell

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