The circus

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authors note

sorry my chapters have been short

                                  Eriks pov

I've been in the circus for 5 months now. If I get more whipping like i have i think it will be the end of me. My Christine is safe and that's all that matters. Then i see the person walk in with the whip and i pray he won't do it look long but i was wrong. Then i hear in my head Erik? Erik what's wrong? It's Christine oh have I missed her voice. Then the person stops whipping me right before I felt like I was going to pass out.

      Christine... I'm ... I'm ok. Erik! where  have you been? I've missed you! What happened. Christine I'm so sorry I've been gone I've missed you so much! ERIK WHY ARE YOU IN A CAGE!!!!! Erik get out of there!! I...I can't I've tried. I'm coming. No Christine please....please I don't want you to be in this much pain. CHRISTINE!?!?!?

                              Christines pov

My poor Eriks trapped in a cage I'll make them pay for this no matter what!

                             eriks pov

I haven't talked to Christine sense yesterday and I hope nothing has happened to her. I don't think I can handle another whipping just then a crowd walks in and the person comes in whips me harder than I have ever felt. They I see Christine come in the cage after he's done.

Erik? erik? Christine I love you...... Then every thing goes black


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