waiting months

232 7 5

3 months

The doctors  Pov

Your baby's are doing just fine would you like to know the genders of them. (Christine) do you think we should? (Erik) well I would like to know. Ok yes we would. Your going to have a boy and a girl. Oh Erik that's wonderful.

When Christine and Erik got back home. (Erik) I think we should name our baby girl annabelle. That's beautiful! What name would you like to name the boy christine? Either Erik, Gustave, or William. Of course you would say erik. Well that Is a beautiful name. Come on christine you should be resting. But I want alone time with you. Go lay down.  fine grump.

(The hermones)aka 7 months in

Christine Pov

Erik I'm hungry. Erik erik where are you. Are you gone? Erik.... Christine oh Christine don't cry it's ok I'm right here. Oh erik I thought you were gone but I'm still hungry. OK ok what would you like you? You pick.ok.  goes makes her food. (Christine) I'm not in the mood for this. (erik) I'm sorry what would you like? (Christine) A husband who knows me well. (Erik) I'll leave you for now love you. Yeah sure.

20 minutes later.

Christine got up erik I'm sorry. It's just the hermones. It's ok as long as you still love me. Of course I do erik. And I love you.

8 and half months

Erik honey. The doctor need us to come in. Ok are you ok. Yes he just has something to tell us. Ok.  Christine and erik. Your kids are fine. But one is full face deformed. The other is only half. (Christine) erik there going to be beautiful. I know I just hope there be alright.  They will.

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