Chapter One

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Erza's Pov:

They are all avoiding me. They all hate me. They throw rotten eggs at me with flour all over.

The entire school population knows about me and thus they all hate me. What have I ever done wrong? I always wonder that.

I have no parents nor siblings. I grew up in Paradise Orphanage and life back then wasn't as good as now.

My mother Irene Balserion died after giving birth to me. My father, who's name I never knew, took care of me till I was 3.

I have been living in Paradise Orphanage since I was 3 and only then, my name was Erza. My last name was named by a best friend.

However, according to my caretaker at the orphanage, I was involved in a major car accident that my memories were all gone.

The only small things that I barely remember are about my family. Anything else at the orphanage were all gone.

I'm not sure if that was the reason why the school hates me. They all turn against me and yet I'm only a Freshman here.

How am I going to live my high school life peacefully? This was not how I imagined my school to be.

"Look, it's the red head"

"What's her name?"

"Don't know. Don't care"

Everyday is the same routine now. People talking behind my back and in front of me on purpose and throwing things at me.

"Alright class, let's begin lesson" says the teacher.

No, I can't even tell the teachers. They wouldn't believe me. I am not the teacher's pet.

The bullies. They threaten me so I wouldn't tell. I had tried one time but was beaten up miserably that I couldn't move for days.

When school ended at 2pm, I immediately packed my things and was about to leave when...

"Hey red head" said a voice.

I look up and saw the gang that bullies me often. They may be girls but they can fight. But they are fighting the wrong way.

"W-What is it?" I ask.

"Don't forget today. Basketball court in 5 minutes time" she says and left.

I glanced at my watch and sighed. I can't disobey her because she'll make my life worst.

I decided to make a run for the Basketball court and to my horror, a lot of people were there. No teachers.

"It's the red head"

"Maybe we get to see a good show today"

I was scared. They've humiliated me many many times but I didn't cry in front of them. I couldn't.

"You're finally here red head. Throw you bag" she says.

I gulped my saliva and did what she said. I threw my bag far away from me. The girls snickered and rampage through my bag.

"So boring. Only textbooks. Where's your wallet?" One girl ask.

"Take it out red head and give it to the students behind. All of it"

I clenched my fist tight as I take out my wallet. With all the remaining money I have, I threw it to the students.

They cheered while the girls smirk and checked my wallet. One of them suddenly kick me from behind and I fell on my knees.

I groaned in pain as they laugh away. I really hate this. It has been going on for the past few months.

"Now time for the highlight for today red head. First, take out your shoes and socks"

I had eye her weirdly but she just glared and hit my head hard which it hurt. Nonetheless I took it out.

"Next, your uniform"

My eyes widen in horror. What is she trying to do to me now?! I'm getting scared. I shivered.

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