Part 1

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"I mean who the Fuck sees a river and thinks, Oh! that might be a nice way to commit suicide, why don't I try it. well obviously he did, but he then proceeded to jump into the river and try to drown himself, and it was right in the middle of our job. I sware the people we were interrogating thought we were crazy hooligans or something. no doubt he did it just to annoy me. He's practically immune to death. But back to the point. Who the fuck does that-"

Chuuya cut himself off from his rant. Eyes travelling over to Kouyou who had been patiently listening to him prattle on about his partner (of almost one year) for over an hour.

Even if he was in the mafia, and had been for some time, she was still the type of person who would scold him for his language.

I mean he didn't sware that much... right?

However, to his surprise, she just sighed.

"Well, I guess you will just have to live with it. If you hated him this much you should have complained to months ago."

Chuuya just stared at her, it wasn't like Kouyou to be this blunt, or at least with him anyway.

Kouyou had been like this for the past few hours and Chuuya had expected for her mood to lighten by now. Unfortunately, it hadn't.

Kouyou was lazily sitting cross-legged on a mat, that was on the small porch of their current house. She had just had a rather bad day at work. That kid had really frustrated her today and even is he was a prodigy she still doesn't like to be corrected in front of all her colleagues. It wasn't very nice.

And quite frankly she couldn't be bothered to listen to Chuuyas ranting at this moment, even if he needed to vent to someone about his partner before he decided to kill them.

Heck, Kouyou didn't even know who his partner was, and at this moment, she couldn't quite bring himself to care.


"Okay, I will be there in five. meet me out the front o-...


Chuuya screamed into his cell phone, shaking with anger. If Dazai was going to stand him up, the least he could do was actually listen to him when he calls him up.

Chuuya had had it up to here. He was meant to go the mafia headquarters with Dazai today for a meeting with Mori, boss of the mafia, who wanted to debrief them personally about their upcoming job.

This was his first time going to the executive quarters for a meeting even if his mackerel of a partner was Mori's protege. Chuuya doubted that Dazai spent much of his time at the building considering the amount of free time he spent annoying Chuuya each day.

Double black, the name that the two boys had been dubbed, had begun to spread, and they had begun to gain more recognition with it being whispered in the hallways as he walked past. Even if the actual identity of the duo had remained a secret so far he doubted it would for much longer.

But apparently, Mori wanted to discuss it with the other executives at the same time as it had something to do with a recent case a few of them had been dealing with.

The reason Chuuya had resorted to calling Dazai was that they had agreed to go in together to the building together. Chuuya had specifically sought Dazai out after he had tried to drown himself a few days ago to ask him about it. But what did Chuuya find when he goes to the designated meetup spot?

A note from the famed mafia demon prodigy explaining that. 'Sorry, I can't make it, I am too busy trying to kill myself'.

Fuck he was going to to tell him when he got to the meeting room.

The fact that Dazai hadn't turned up didn't actually bother Chuuya to start with, in fact, he was actually quite pleased that he didn't have to talk to his annoyingly childish partner.

But he soon realised, when he got to the building, that he didn't know how to get there.

He diverted his attention back to the call.

"Do you think that death by swallowed thumbtacks is a good enough way to die."

Now he wishes he hadn't bothered.

Dazai is so dead.

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