Part 2

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Kouyou and Mori shared a silent conversation as their eyes trailed over to the corner of the room were the whispered argument between the two boys was being held.

Chuuya had entered the office a few minutes ago dragging a sulking executive behind him by the wrist.

That's when Kouyou began to put the puzzle pieces together.

She had never seen Chuuyas partner. Never even got his name. But from what she had heard of him...

gods she was stupid.

Dazai was Chuuyas partner.

And he was the same person whom Kouyou was having problems with herself.

Oh, gods, she was stupid.


Approximately one hour and three minutes later all four occupants off the room were hunched over a single envelope containing one anonymous letter, discussing its contense.

They had only just settled down to work a few minutes ago.

The meeting had began with both Dazai and Chuuya had bickered silently for a good ten minutes. After about thirty, their conversation had turned into a full fledged fight, with Chuuya on defence and Dazai provoking him with a smile on his face. in the end Dazai had won.

Chuuya spoke, and Kouyou looked across the table to see him clearer. it was quite a sight to see, after all, how often do you see a port mafia member with a bright pink and green poker-dotted bandaid across their nose.

it was Dazai who had insisted on it after Chuuya missed him and punched the wall so hard that the plaster and cement flew of and hit in the face. It was a tiny scratch, and Kouyou wasn't even certon iff the young executive had been serious in his worry for his partner or if it was simply for his own amusement. She seriously needed to work out how to read the boy. Chuuya had just played along, either from the fact that he didn't care, or the nolage that Dazia would just keep pestering him until he gave in, she did not know.

Mori began to speak again and Kouyou glanced away from her .... the letter in question had already been opened previously by the boss, and had been read thurouley several times, but this was the first time that she (and she was assuming the two boys) had herd of it.

The letter was one of great beauty. The outer envelope was, on its own, something to behold (she hadn't actually seen the letter but imagined it to be just as elegant). It looked to be made from some type of parchment, strong but thin, with a matt texture that shon faintly in the light that punched its way through the heavy shutters that separated them from the streets of the outside wourld below. it was not white like most envelopes, instead a variety of browns and sepia like tones ranging from the colour off freshly turned moist soil to the colour off a slightly aged book, overall reminding her of how she would imagan a treasure map to look like.

The envelope had been sealed with a wax stamp that had been removed with the worry that it might have gotten damaged and been put beside the envelope one the table for further inspection. the wax was red as it is normally and had been stamped wth a bold letter M, with delicate thorns working their ways up the legs of the letter, as if it were slowly trapping its prey to kill. But that did not worry her. No. What worried her was the address written on the front of the envelope.

It was written in a neat old fashion scrawl with wha she assumed to be a calligraphy pen and addressed to the bosses privet headquarters instead of to the mafia. This was the first clue that something was wrong. Only those close to him knew it, and even then it was practically unheard of to send him anything.

Then again anyone could find anything out these days and everyone could be persuaded with the right motivation.


The whole room went silent as Mori's nets offical announcement was herd.

"I am going to give this case to the double black."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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