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The moment Amber told that she wanted me to get married to Michael as a pay back for what they have done is when I realized that how odd it was to be an orphan. It was after a long time that I had this feeling of being alone. Would my parents do the same would they too ask for what Amber asked for.

Yes, I did promise Amber that I'll do anything for her but not this, this was way too much to ask and I do not believe that I was trapped is such a situation where I don't know to say yes or no.

How can I marry a man who loved someone else? He was to marry my sister and now the tables turned in a way that I don't have any route out of this damn trap. Why do I always end up being the last resort for all the damn situations. I should be the backup for Olivia every time. When she broke the master piece at Amber's room she blamed me for that I was just 6 years old and had nothing to defend myself for, Amber later did figure out who it was but Olivia as usual got out of it with all ease, not just that after that we had lot more events as such. When I got the scholarship for my college I immediately accepted and flew to Australia I have been studying there on my own terms it was my hard work that made me get a 100% scholarship at the finest uni at Aussie. But never have I ever got to flaunt that, and I was always told that they too have equally supported me. I never denied that I really, I'm grateful to what they did for me. But marriage and that to a guy who I have just met. I have met Michael when I came down to London to celebrate Olivia's birthday that was when I met him, we never had a conversation with him properly as he was too busy to even talk to Olivia. I never wanted this I do not know what I should do.

And why is his mother so interested in me I mean she knows that her son loves someone else. She should be there for him to support him and take a stand for him instead she is simple there commanding on him to marry a girl he have not even spoken to even for once in his lifetime.

Arrgghhh!!!!!! All this is so very exhausting me. I get worried and my body loses all its strength when I get to a lot of thinking. Why can't all this end at a smooth note. I just wanted to get out of this and the moment I do that I will take my first flight back to Aussie and stay there forever. I will take up my internship and that would fetch me some money, before I get working with some company as intern, I would work elsewhere to make money for self and never return here.

Amber slowly moved behind and was walking out of the room I was too frozen to even ask her to stop. At the same time, I also wanted to give her some space, so that she could take out this thought of getting me married to him.

Once she was out, I too needed some fresh air, so I too walked out defiantly in the different direction from Amber. I looked for a peaceful spot and sat there. I looked up to the sky and slowly prayed, "You get me out of each and every situation and this is some situation where I need you the most and please give strength to handle what ever comes and also let me not fail you and as usual prove that I'm a tough soul. Help me get over this. I believe this all will lead to beautiful place, just give me the strength to get over this" I prayed to the Lord to save me and guide me.

While I was done, I could feel a hand brushing my hair and when I looked at the person it was Mrs. Smith. She spoke nothing she just sat next to me in the same place and held my hand. We did not spoke, but I was feeling the warmth of her hand and it calmed me down from all the hustle that was going around.

For the very first time I could tell what a Mother was.


I just want things to end up soon as I can't handle this drama anymore. Olivia should have at least informed me; she knows how strong these Smiths' are, they could turn our life into hell. It is safe for me to play around and show as though I'm at their side.

I know she was not interested to marry him she had some other plans. But this girl was in so much hurry she could have married and divorced him later that way she could have got the alimony that too would have fetched her handsome money to invest in her business. What ever it was all I need to do is get this wedding ended as soon as possible. I somehow need to make Sarah agree to marry Michael and wrap this all.

I always wanted to have a relation with the Smith's as they are among the strongest and richest people in London. But with a dumb head daughter of mine this cannot be possible now, so I need to handle and close this.

I'm thankful that Mrs. Smith gave this wonderful idea of getting Sarah married to Michael now it is up to her to convince her son into this marriage. As far as I have heard about this Elena Smith, she gets what she wants in the most appropriate and sober way.

Once this is all done, I can also get rid of my responsibilities towards Sarah.

His Unknown Wife (Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now