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Author's Quote: "sometimes all you need to do is just sit back and watch"

Well hello!!!!! there people hope the book keeps you interested.


First day of uni and I'm all set like I'm going to war zone... Chill I'm just going to nail it. Nail it??

Nail what? Like nail the real nail or just that.

Anyway, let me just focus on getting there in time and not be late how awkward will that be if I be late I any way hate the attention and I don't want this late going add up to the attention. After like being almost lost in London I finally reached and I don't know why but this library is something that has always pulled me closer to it and make me pick a book and read, no I can't do that now I can't let it hypnotize me, let me just focus on getting my day started.

I entered inside the huge building it really was massive and the interiors were so similar to the uni back at Aussie, I went straight to the class room and it was huge though the students were minimal the class was huge and that actually made me happy because I can choose any place. I wanted to sit in a place that keeps me interested in studying and observing. I settled myself in the class and the management class initiated. Finally, at the end of the class I was told to meet the college dean and I was heading to the dean's cabin.

On my way to the cabin I was trying to arrange the papers I had in my hand usually I like taking down the class notes in the papers rather than book because they can get handy unlike books which are heavy at times, while arranging them I unknowingly ran into someone, and that was like I literally hit that person.

Yes go on imagining that I had all the slow motion paper flying and all the typical movie scene, but no it did not because I had my papers held tight and also made myself stiff and helped myself from falling but on the other hand the person who got hit was already on the floor.

Oh, there you go some weak guy I feel so sorry for him.

He looked at me and stood up quickly setting his outfit. "You don't seem as strong as you pulled off this stunt" He stated.

"Well that is called presence of mind" I replied and started to walk.

"By the way I'm Lime. Lime Foster" He introduced himself.

"Glad to meet you but honestly I'm in a hurry. " I said and walked out.

I finally reached the Dean's cabin and knocked it.

"Come in" Came the reply.

I went inside and I was greeted by this majestic looking person.

"Welcome to the university Miss Sarah" He greeted.

"Thank you sir" I replied.

"We are glad to have you here. I got to see your documents and your work back at Australia no wonder why you had the 100% scholarship. Since you were finalized for the internship at the Morgens, they have already transferred your internship to the Michael Enterprise. Since you are the bright student your application was accepted and let me tell you not everyone is lucky enough to get a chance to work with this well-known enterprise. "

I had my jaws hanging mentally why this enterprise, out of all the well-known enterprises I had to choose the Morgen's and out of all the enterprises they had to transfer my interning program to Michael Enterprise. Anyway, what I'm I suppose to do work there as an intern right and that won't be that difficult. So, what if he is the head of that enterprise I too have me knowledge. So, it just works and nothing else.

"Chill girl you have got this", I mentally encouraged myself

"Oki sir, when can I start the internship? " I asked him.

"I think tomorrow should be fine because your internship is already been delayed 'm sure you don't want to lose more time" He said.

"Sure, sir I'll be reporting from tomorrow" I stated.

"Since all your details have been transferred you can collect the internship ID once you reach there. Also, if you have any issues you can ring me. " He said while placing a card which had his contact details on the desk. I took that and left the office.

I finished my other classes. The best part about the uni was we had only 4 classes that way we could give enough time to the internship as well. So, my timetable was set. I planned to attain all my classes and leave for the internship immediately and get the work done there. I'm aware that during our internship we will be given real life situation and all we must do is provide resolutions and write a report on the same and the payment was done every fortnight.

At least this is what was done at Australia, but I don't know what changes will happen here and he being the head makes me a little worried. I'm sure he will keep his personal grudge away while at work.

"My life was going smooth and I had everything in place" I mentally stated my all-time mantra and took a deep breath and headed home.


I knew the Morgan's won't disappoint me they sent through all the details on Sarah's internship and I must say that I'm impressed with this girl's work. But unfortunately, now she will have to face me, and this internship will be a nightmare to her.

"Get me the details of all interns and everyday report on what work is being assigned and how is their progress" I instructed my PA.

I knew she would never choose my enterprise herself, so I had to make all these arrangements. Well then welcome to hell Ms. Sarah. May be your life seems to be all sorted but now you will see how your smooth-running life will soon turn into chaos. 

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