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The next morning, I woke up with a little light head and once I was up, I was flooded with notifications of the busy schedule that I had for today. I had a lot of meetings lined up for me in a day as I had a lot of work pending. So, I left for work way too early and just when I was out of the room, I saw Sarah's room door was shut and I got this quick urge of seeing her. I pushed those thoughts real hard and walked past her room. Once I got out of the house all I told to myself was to focus on the work that was important and leave everything else behind.

I entered my office building, and all greeted me and welcomed me back. Like planned no one was aware about what had happened, the wedding and all the other drama. The only thing people knew was I had been out for a long vacation with family and close friends and I had to keep it that way. Also, the people who were a part of it were mostly people from Olivia's family and they would not utter a word out as they had all received a legal warning from my lawyers I had do this as it was way too personal and if this news gets out It will hit business and my image in the market.

I often think that I took the wedding decision way too early and should have given all this some time, but now there is no use to thinking all of this. I had plans to announce my wedding after I was back here and also wanted Olivia to join office with me as she had already told me that she was interested in launching her own clothing brand. What amuses me is why was it so difficult to find her. I just wanted to know what made her do what she did. I;m not upset with her nor I'm disheartened this too makes me uneasy a times as I have seen people shatter when things like this happen but honestly I cannot see any changes in me emotionally.

I feel happy and at peace that I'm where I'm I feel happy to know that I'm married to someone who has no idea that I'm even thinking of her at this time. She seems to be so lost in her thoughts that I fear what if she looses herself.

There are too many reasons for me to keep my marriage a secret one of the reasons being Sarah herself as she cannot take all this that easily. She is not made for such a huge exposure.

She is always acting like a teenager I mean how the hell can I handle her she only knows to make faces, behave like nothing happen, talk to herself, smile when she is sitting doing nothing, she smiles while looking at anything randomly I wonder if she has anyone in her life that makes her smile like that why is she so consumed in herself sop much and why does she eat little. Seriously why does she even eat so less why the hell can't she even have something that can make her a little better than that size she has may be she is not even XS, I think I can just lift her with one arm but that again would hurt her she is so damn soft that I sometimes feel if I hold her too tight she might just break, next time I have got to be careful with her she need some protein and some good rest she must be sleeping now. Oh... Her sleeping face and her sleepy face are just so cute that I could watch her sleep all night and do nothing as long as I can ignore her attractive color bone and a lot can be taken care but her color bone really does put me in trouble and I cannot control myself. I don't even know if she is an adult for me to just. Oh no I don't even know her age I really need someone to get me all that information.

I quickly took the phone and asked my resources to get me all the details on Sarah. The person on the other end requested for some days' time as she was a less social person and was studying in Australia so after a quick talk we settled for a week's time. I took a long breath and immediately got an urge to look at her and that's when I realized that I had no pictures of her with me. Just when I was in these thoughts, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" I said and in walked my PA June.

"Sir the meeting is in 5 minutes, since you were not out, I just came in to check, is everything alright do you need something?" She asked.


Did I just say that, this is so embarrassing I'm trying to keep things rude with her and here I'm telling her name just as a normal conversation I did not want anyone to know that I;m married and I have a wife and if I keep doing this the news of my marriage will be out by myself and that would be such a big failure how can I make myself more fierce around her.

I pushed all these thoughts away and I looked at her in shock did I say that name out loud for her to hear and she said, "Meeting with the client sir"

"I'll be there" I said, and she left.

What is wrong with me did I just...... Hell with this thoughts what I'm I doing I think like she has trapped me in herself what is going on with me why I'm I so much involved in her what is all this. I forcefully pushed all these thoughts and quickly went to the meeting.

His Unknown Wife (Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now