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Louis was nervous.

Was he really going to kiss his best friend? Was he really going to do it, just to make Harry jealous? What was he even thinking?!

Louis approached his locker and entered his combination.


He got his things from out of his locker and walked to his last period.

"Well, today's the day," Niall said, taking Louis empty hand in his, "Are you nervous?"

Louis just nodded. He felt butterflies dancing in his stomach and his palms began to sweat (he hoped Niall didn't notice).

"You wanna know a secret?"

Louis cocked his head to the side, waiting for Niall to go on.

"So am I," he said quietly. He then smiled and let Louis enter his class so he could get to his own.

Louis sat in the back of math class, quietly playing with his Rubik's cube when he finished the work.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad.

"Why don't you just tell me who it is," Niall requested.

"I can't Niall."

Niall pouted, "Why not?"


"Because why?"

"Because you'll think I'm weird."

Niall tilted his head and Louis spoke, "Just forget it."

"Come on, just tell me!" Niall begged.

"Not now, Niall."

"Louis!" Niall dragged out the name and tugged on his arm.

"Niall, stop acting like a child. Besides, I need to get to Mr. Styles for our after school thing."

Niall stopped in the hallway, "No shit!"

"What?" Louis questioned, getting annoyed with Niall and his stalling.

"You like him!"

"Excuse me?"

"You like Mr. Styles!" Niall exclaimed.

Louis' eyes went wide, "Could you keep your voice down? Someone might here you!"

"So then it is true! You like him, you like him!"

"Oh, my goodness. Yes I like him. But you have to be quiet about it. God, do you want me in trouble?"

Niall laughed, "I can't believe you like him. I mean, he's attractive, but you like him?"

Louis nodded and began to smile, "Yeah, I like him."

Niall returned the smile and had his fingers entwine with Louis, "Okay," with that he lead Louis down the hallway to Mr. Styles.

At the door, Louis spoke quietly to Niall so his teacher couldn't hear, "On the cheek or on the lips?"

"Do you want believe-able?"


"Then lips it is."

Next thing he knew, Niall's lips were on his own. Louis thought the whole thing seemed awkward and too staged. However, to Harry who was sitting at his desk, it was very, very, very believe-able.

"I'll see you later," Louis said with a wave. He closed the door and turned around to see a very jealous Harry.

Mission accomplished.

Harry cleared his throat before speaking, "Hello, Mr. Tomlinson. Uhm, please take a seat. I thought that we could start with improving your vocabulary so it fits more with your style."

"Alright," Louis got out his notebook and pen, "What do you want me to do then?"

"How about the word," Harry stopped mid-sentence, "I have a question. When did you and Niall start going out or, you know, whatever?" 

"Oh, that? It's nothing really." 

"Nothing?" Harry inquired, crossing his arms over his chest and raising an eyebrow, "So that kiss meant nothing?"


"Absolutely nothing?"


"And you don't like him in that way? You know the relationship-y way?"

"No, Mr. Styles. We're friends. That's it. Besides, I like someone else. What's with all the questions anyways?" Louis smirked.

"N-nothing. Just curious in what you kids are up to these days."

Louis' smirk widened, "Okay. How about that vocabulary?"

Harry snapped out of his little moment and started to list off words for Louis to spell and add their definitions. Their time was up and Louis sat a paper on Harry's desk for him to read later, "I'll see you later, Mr. Styles!"

Harry didn't look away from the book shelf he was re-organizing, "I'll see you later, Louis." He stood up, figuring that it was Friday afternoon and cleaning could wait for Monday.

He collected his things from his desk and sat them in his brief case. He stopped when he came across the paper Louis had left:

When I think about the word love, I think about you.


A.N. Just an update before I go to school (yuck). Sorry there was no Larry kiss this chapter, but there will be soon, I promise! :)

Thank you so much for all of your support, once again. You guys really are amazing! :) -M

PERSONAL-ISH QUESTION: What's your favorite summer activity? (I like staying inside and writing or reading)

STORY QUESTION: Do you think Niall will keep Louis' secret to himself?

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