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Harry was lonely Friday afternoon.

Louis had to talk to his coach and do a few things before his game, so Harry stayed in his classroom, grading papers, as usual, and staring outside the one window he was given.

He knew how nervous Louis was for this game and couldn't help but feel anxious as well. Harry never knew what it was to be good at something and have people come to see if you'd be good enough to join them. He never knew what it was like to play a sport and have people come support you. But he could tell that support was everything to Louis and that positive support was critical at this moment.

"Hey, are you going to the game tonight?" Ed questioned over the phone.

"Of course," Harry replied, "are you?"

"I'm not quite sure. Niall was giving me mixed signals so I really don't know what he wants me to do," Ed explained.

"Just come to the game with me. Besides, I could use another cheerleader and you might actually come up with something creative."

"Well, doesn't that just make me feel so excited for this wonderful opportunity."

Harry rolled his eyes, "be there or be square."

"You're stupid. That joke is so old."

"You're just saying that because that's how you were in high school."

"Pfft, so what if I were a band geek and math nerd? At least I was attractive."

Harry laughed, "I've seen your pictures from back then, Ed. There's nothing to be boasting about."

"You're just super jealous of my good looks, Mr. Four-Eyes."

"Hey now, no need to bring Glassies into the mix."

"I can't believe you named your glasses in high school. You really are a weird one, how does Louis tolerate you?"

"We're both weird so we bring it out in each other, you know? Just like how Niall brings out the blonde in you."

"No, he doesn't."

Harry shook his head, chuckling a bit, "just be at the game. I'll meet you in the parking lot. Alright? Alright," Harry hung up and began to sort out his papers; he had to get ready for this game.


Ed met Harry at Harry's car as they had planned. Harry laughed at Ed for showing up wearing the wrong school colors and made fun of the way he had styled his hair, Ed didn't mind though, he wanted to stand out.

Harry led Ed up the stairs of the bleachers and they found a closest spot they could get. He smiled when Louis came out and started doing his warm ups.

On the field, Louis and Niall stretched next to each other, talking, "how do you think we'll do?" Louis questioned, stretching out his arms.

"I think we're gonna kick ass tonight," Niall laughed, bending down to touch his toys, "you nervous about the scout?"

"Hell yeah. God, Ni, this is my last chance really. I can't screw this up."

"There's more games, more chances," Niall tried to encourage.

"The season's close to finished, Niall. I don't have any other opportunities. It's make it or break it right now."

"Louis, look at me," Niall ordered, he rest his hands on Louis' shoulders, "you'll do great. Just focus on the game and don't let anyone distract you. We've got this. Me and the guys will make you look good, huh?" Niall winked and Louis smiled, glad that his friend had so much confidence in him.

"Round 'em up boys! We got a game to play so stop dancing around," Coach yelled. The team hustled in and waited for coach's orders, "all I want to see is you kids having fun. But, I also want to see Mountview's asses kicked, you hear me?" The team hollered, "good," coach added, "then give me lines and I want to see my captains front and center."

Louis and Niall, the co captains, stayed as the others went to do what they were told. When coach turned towards them, Louis knew exactly what he was going to say, "make 'em proud, boys. Make 'em proud."


Louis was the last one to enter the locker room, he yelled and hollered in the empty room about the team's win and smiled to himself, knowing that it was one of his best games yet. He started to undress, but stopped when he felt two cold hands land on his hips, holding him firmly in place. He relaxed, thinking it was Harry, but suddenly stiffened when a voice whispered in his ear, "hello, darling."

"What the hell are you doing here?" Louis questioned, turning to get a clear look at who he already knew it was.

"Ah, come on. Can't we just play around for once?"

"No, and how many times do I have to ask you to just leave me the fuck alone?"

"Well how many times have you tried already?"

Louis rolled his eyes, turning to face Zayn, "you're a bastard, you know that? A real bastard."

"Oh, way to make me feel loved."

Louis payed Zayn's comment no mind, "I can't believe you, I really can't! You dirty scum-bag liar! You are absolutely ridiculous. You're a good-for-nothing cheater! You deserve to rot in the never ending pits of Hell, for all I care."

"Wow, so vicious," Zayn laughed, "you're still so young and naïve aren't you? Just a kid in my book."

"Don't put it that way, Zaynie." 

"Don't say that," Zayn said, slight hurt in his voice, "don't say that to me."

Louis knew how to get Zayn riled up. He knew how to play this game after playing it for so long, so he was going to play his cards.

"Come on, I'm just trying to create the mood. That's all, Zaynie."

"I said don't say that!" Zayn exclaimed, anger building up inside of him, it was coursing throughout his veins and filling his head with ideas of threats towards the younger boy.

"It's alright, Zaynie. You're okay."

"Stop saying that! You little shit-face, stop saying it!"

Louis smirked, "but don't you like it? Don't you enjoy it when I say it?" Louis was inching closer to Zayn at this point, knowing very well that he had won this match and Zayn was done for the moment. He rested his hands on Zayn's shoulders and leaned up to whisper in his ear, "I thought you like this."

And Louis' hands slowly traveled down Zayn's arms and he let them linger there a second longer before grabbing his things to leave.

Check mate.


A.N. Sorry I didn't get into details of the game and there weren't any fluffy parts, but I think it was important to see that Louis has changed and he is willing to stand up for himself now. He won't let Zayn push him around and it's a huge improvement, because now he feels like he has some control and say in what he does.

Anyways, I hope the chapter was alright and you enjoyed it. Thanks so much for reading! ^-^ -M

DEDICATED TO: @cupcake_bears for being so nice! :)

PERSONAL-ISH QUESTION: Which do you prefer more: cake or cookies?

STORY QUESTION: Why do you think Zayn is so cruel to Louis? (Kind of broad, but I really want to know what you're thinking at this point.)

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