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"I still don't get how you're so good at that," Harry said as he watched Louis play with the Rubik's cube as he microwaved dinner (mm, Chinese leftovers).

Louis shrugged from his spot on the couch and looked at Harry, "I'm naturally a pro at this."

"Oh, come on. Couldn't you teach me a trick or two?" Harry asked, getting the bowls out of the microwave before it could even ring to signal the food was done. He cursed when he realized how hot it was and decided to grab an oven mitt to be safe. 

He set Louis' bowl on the table and Louis gave Harry a look, "what?" Harry started, "it was blistering hot, almost as hot as the Sahara desert." 

"You're over dramatic," Louis said, rolling his eyes. Harry tried to defend himself, saying that Louis was even more dramatic and that the one time he uses a hyperbole, he is labeled the dramatic one. Who did theater their first year of high school? It sure wasn't Harry.

"Please show me a trick," Harry begged, forgetting about the food and his growling stomach; this was much more important.

Louis nodded after thinking about it, "fine. But I'm going to tell you right now that you're going to suck and that's okay. Failure is to be expected."

Harry took the cube and first attempted to fit all of the greens together, which he found to be quite difficult and Louis sat next to him laughing.

"Stop laughing at me, you're supposed to be helping," Harry said with a pout, "please help me, Lou."

"Alright," Louis began to list off all the possible ways Harry could solve the Rubik's cube and each step made Harry more and more confused that he was so lost he didn't know what to turn where and then to rotate the cube 180 degrees. 

"I give up!" Harry exclaimed, laying down on the couch, holding the cube above his head.

"Well, if you're done then give me the cube so I can show you who's boss," Louis tried reaching for the cube, but Harry teased him by moving it around and tossing it from hand to hand quickly. Louis was beginning to grow impatient and it made Harry laugh.

"Come on, show me who's boss, Louis."

"I would if I had the cube," Louis tried one more time to reach it and failed. He decided to resort to his last option. He straddled Harry's waste, running his hands down Harry's chest. He leaned down, lips close to Harry's ear and whispered, "give me the cube, Harry."

Harry shook his head, "no way, Jose."

"Suit yourself," Louis left a trail of kisses down Harry's neck and even bit a bit while there. He hummed into Harry's skin and smirked when Harry began to squirm. He whispered again, "give me the cube, Harry."

"N-no. Nope, you aren't getting this from me anytime soon. No way."

"Hmm," Louis pondered. He let his hands slide under Harry's shirt and trace random patterns as he left more kisses and love bites around Harry's collar, "give me the cube, please, Mr. Styles."

Boy, oh boy, did that set Harry over the edge?

He practically threw the cube on the floor in order to be able to flip them over so he was now on top of Louis. He kissed Louis a few times before he left his own love bites across Louis' skin. He looked up to find Louis' eyes closed and so he kissed him one more time on the lips. Harry moved them around so he was holding Louis close.

"I love you," Harry said.

"I love you, too," Louis said. They Eskimo kissed before Harry kissed the top of Louis' head.

"Can you tell me?"

"Tell you what?" Louis questioned. He was so calm, so at ease in Harry's arms. It was magical.

"Tell me why you play with the cube when you're stressed or tired or sad."

"Mm, not now, Harry," Louis replied, burying his face in Harry's chest, "not now."


A.N. I really hope this wasn't too bad. I'm not really sure how I feel about it.....Thanks again for liking the story. It makes me feel bubbly on the insides. ^-^ -M

Side video is just some guy solving a Rubik's cube and I thought it was pretty cool.

DEDICATED TO: @Music_Life_Magic for all of their comments and making me laugh. :)

PERSONAL-ISH QUESTION: What is your favorite social media? (Like tumblr, instagram, etc.)

STORY QUESTION: Do you think there is more to the Rubik's cube or is it just something Louis enjoys playing with?

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