I was awake and I heard something out side my window. I see Thomas yelling to get out of the house. They are coming.
We live in a secret word that know one knows and we would like to keep it that way. We live in a garden mostly in the forest hidden away through some trees. After what happened to us we can not Anyone notice that we are here or we are dead.
A year later.
" Mom!!"
" yes skyla"
"Look this flower I found!"
" wow that's beautiful!"
" we'll you put in your room?"
" sure!"
I woke up at night hacking. I walked into her room and she was black and her eyes where red. She got out of bed and said nothing. She stared at my for 2 mintues until I notice that that flower that I found was on the floor black. Me and my brother Thomas had to take her to the hospital.
They said that she was fine, just some alrgess maybe from a flower. But she was not fine. The next day we got up and she was gone. We searched for her for her miles and miles. We found her at a coffee shop and all the people around her wear dead well unless they did. We took her to the hospital and the had to put her down.
Well one down the whole world to go for me and Thomas. The people that were dead we did not call for help. They were dead and are phones would not work because this coffee shop was out in the middle of no where.
The had the thing that my mother had. Came up and gave it to other people. Doctors did not no what it was so it was up to us.
Soon the whole word was like this. I guess me and Thomas were the only ones smart enough to keep people away from us.
This is we're we are now, not trying to become one of them.