Book 4 Paracel.

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book 4. Paracel

I don't watch TV. Never have, never will. I hate movies based on novels, that's more or less every movie ever. Why watch it when you can read the words can read the words and imagine them within your own grounds, your limits. Or comics, read the comic (mainly dialogue) and imagine the pictures are actually moving and happening, you control almost everything it's just that there are limits and rules. Also reading benefits us. With movies, no matter how cool, sad or romantic it is, you can't control what's happening in the slightest. Ok, ll be honest with you... I do watch anime(used to), but it's in Japanese with subtitles so I'm learning a new language, plus I (Used to)read manga.

I mean you can't really protest against me, it's not like there are any TVs around anyways. It's not like there's much of anything around these days.


It was ten years ago when I got separated from my parents (I'm 18) I'm not one million% sure if their alive or not, but they probably aren't. I was alone for about a week. Within that time I only ate worms and raindrops. Back then the population was still about 2.1billion, so surely I was going to bump into someone. His name was Aaron. He taught me how to fend for myself. From treating mine and others wounds to how to use a knife, gun and even a campus.

More or less everything I know.

But the most important lesson I ever learnt from him was to always put my life ahead of others. That's why I ran instead of saving his life because Violet comes first.

But something,... I feel like that was the dumbest lesson I ever learnt in my entire life.

In the present, the populations about 300,000. It seems like a lot, but it's not. I know this forest like the back of my head (not that I've ever seen the back of my head). I go through it every afternoon too restoke at the (abandoned) corner shops near me. Some of the food there is expired, but what can I do? I also know every mud stain in each of the three shops. I never clean it so that I know if anything out of place... then I'm not completely isolated. I try to pick up one book a week, any more and id probably finish them all in a month. Obviously, I picked up; Food, paper and pens (when I get super bored, I can draw and/or write), meds, clothing and water... That's strange... I recall there being Nineteen, (five-litre) bottles of water, not...

I pull out my Handgun with such immense force that I can feel wind particles skimming my (yet to fully grow) arm hairs. I flourish it around to seem intimidating. The biggest thing I've ever shot was a cat... or rather a kitten. It was when Aaron was still alive. He was teaching me how to hunt. I cried like a bitch. My hand were trembling in Sammy's gun. My ears were blocked thanks to the sound waves coming from the bullet.

"Show yourself," I shouted in the deepest voice In possibly could even though my legs were trembling with fear. My hand was shivering at the sight of fear, for I was of them.

I see one of the water bottles near the counter where the shopkeeper used to count money and whatever else shopkeepers do. It's half empty. Should I shot it? I take my sniper from my back ( picture a swordsman but a sniper, not a sword), grab on to the rear grip and crouch down. I direct the muzzle to the lid of the water bottle that happened to be lying on the ground. I need to recognize that wind is ten times stronger these days. So instead I of shooting North, I'll shoot, "Northeast!"

The bullet is golden, golden like the sunlight and the highlights of hair ran past my view. The pressure of the cartridge was pushed port by the wind, forcing it to fly north. The bullet knocked the lid behind the counter out of my sight. And Yet, the lid bounced back. The counter was completely dull and empty and the wind wasn't active there. That could only mean one thing.

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