book 5: hacking lives

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book5: hacking lives.

Every day I have a new life and body. Its been happening so much to the point where I don't know which one is actually my life. I guess you could say by having seven different lives I don't have a life after all.

I'm not 100% certain on how this work, but here's what I think I know;

So I transfer into different peoples bodies on different days. Its almost like I control that person for a day. I don't know what happens to the person when I've taken over, its almost as if there soul and spirit goes to sleep.

I don't even know if I'm a boy or a girl because I keep switching from one too the other. I can change peoples lives drastically. When I do something in their body, they will have zero clue of what I did when they come back.

Zoey, Jayden, Marcus, Hannah, Emilia, Edward and Maria would all have normal stress free lives... if I were dead.

Day one/Maria

Every morning I wonder, who am I going to be this time. Normally I can tell by the colour of the bed sheets but this person has re-decorated there room. There's not a mirror in sight. Oh, have we moved out? No, I don't think so. I run to the nearest bathroom and look in the mirror to find that I was Maria. Oh, I must be at her nan's house.

I do regular things you'd do in the morning, brush my teeth, go toilet, bath, etc, etc.

Her grandmothers probably still asleep. I leave a note and go to school. I hope I don't make a choice that messes up her life.

"Maria!! Maria!!!" A voice from behind me shouted.

I don't know who this is, did she make a new friend while I was gone?

Remember I can be gone for up to 6 or seven days max.

"Who are you again," I say hesitantly.

:/ that was the look she gave me.

"Stupid" She laughed."It's me romillia we started taking two days ago"

"Yh I knew that I was only joking"I tried saying that whilst faking a laugh.

I analysed her thoroughly so that I won't forget her. 

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