baby face

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I'm forty years old and share a body with a three-year-old boy. I think. I'm not sure if I've just been imagining it for the past three years, but I remember how it started perfectly. It was my thirty-seventh birthday. It forced me right out of my sleep. A loud and fierce mixed emotional stream of crying ripped apart my eardrums. It lasted exactly three minutes and thirty-two point eight seconds then I didn't hear anything for about five minutes and forty-seven seconds just wondering, what the hell was that? Then I heard a loud sucking sound. This was just weird. Then I realized what was happening. Eww eww eww eww. Even as a thirty-eight-year-old man this made me snigger a tiny bit. Why was this baby born into my mind? Why can I hear its thoughts? Was it thinking of the sucking noise to find speech? No definitely a coincidence.

I don't think the child can hear me. Over time my 'powers' between this child have grown slightly. I can see through his eyes. However, I can't do it at will. I can only see when Joshua is in trouble, big or small. But this is one problem I don't think I can get him out of. I have to though. He will regret this for the rest of his life. It's hard enough to stop murder, but it's one thing if I'm not even present to do it.

Present day. 12 years later

I need to get through to him somehow. He can't go through with this. Joshua won't be able to like with himself. How will I live with myself? I've seen him in school he so talented he has so much potential. Only fifteen and he's playing with knives as if he's spreading butter. 

Suddenly I have an idea. I spread out a mat on my bedroom floor light seven candles around me. I need to block out all my thoughts for a couple of mins and focus on Joshua's. 

Joshua's thoughts

Shit man. Am I seriously going to go through with this alone? I need help. I have to do this. I don't wanna.  Mum, I'm sorry. Sis, I'm sorry. Babe, I'm sorry. I wish dad was here to help. nah man fuck him he couldn't help mum how the hell could he help me. How'd I get myself into this? why'd I got myself into this? I was fine I didn't need to get myself into this. I have good grades I'm fit I was going somewhere man but now I'm just throwing all my work to shit. But shit there aint know going back. I already have the knife at hand he's right across the street, so why am i frozen, why cant I move. Just a few steps and it all over boom.

Step one: stab

Step two:hide the body

Step three: hide the knife.

Step four: run.


What am i supposed to do? I know, I look for signs to see where he is. SE19? Front hill road.

Wait what? He's only five minutes away. I need to go? But i've never left the house. I have Agoraphobia

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