Chapter XVIII

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Grim moves around in a flash. He is wearing a tight white shirt and is behind me pressing against me as soon as he hears his brothers voice. Thaddeus moves to step a single foot into the room.

Ravennas eyes widen as Grim comes to stand behind me and my eyes flood with panic. Why isn't Grim appearing invisible? I can already tell Ravenna is going to have an important conversation with me about Grim after this--whatever this is. Only as she looks at Grim, she looks back to Thaddeus in the same moment and I know she notices something.

The two look exactly alike with different colors of hair and eyes. Their jaws are the same strong, chiseled feature and their lips are plump. The only thing different is Grim has a piercing in his ear, eyebrow, and my favorite, his lip. Thaddeus' hair looks like honey fresh out of the container with eyes resembling the wild and powerful ocean. Meanwhile, Grim has hair as black as the night and eyes that match the color of a black hole.

Thaddeus instantly oversteps my sister, pushing Grim and I into my room. Grim tugs on the hem of my shirt and I quickly move to where he forces me behind him protectively.

"I see Cassiopeia figured it out," Thaddeus smirks. Ravenna just stands gaping in my doorway at the scene before her. "Hello again, Cassiopeia." I just nod my head, moving my eyes downward a little.

"Thaddeus," Grim hisses. "We can talk about this later. How about we go to my house?" He motions to Ravenna still sitting behind Thaddeus.

"Nonsense, Theodosius, if it isn't obvious, I didn't come here for you," he speaks harshly, his gaze lowering to me as he finishes his sentence. I'm stuck in a trance as I stare at Grims brother and he knows it. The last time I saw him, he was staring into my eyes and I forgot everything, basically. "I'm here for Cassiopeia."

"Who are you?" Ravenna says from somewhere. I can see her regret for ever letting him in, especially as she notices how Grim glares at Thaddeus with hatred dripping off of his no-doubt black eyes. I look at Ravenna over Grim's shoulder and my breath gets caught in my throat. She's fuming slightly as she glares at Thaddeus. I can see the blush of frustration underneath her eyes, her eyes that are wide with fear. "You're not Cassie's friends, are you?" She mumbles as she gasps.

That's when someone else appears. His wavy hair makes me tense immediately, and then his black eyes are turning to me as he reaches the top of the stairs. His eyes slice right into mine and I almost throw up. Rowl. Last I saw him I was at the Blackout and he left me even though he promised to protect me. The liar.

That's when another guy appears and I feel like puking even more. My eyes widen so much I think they fall out and my stomach rolls in nerves.

Jeremiah? Wait...Jeremiah!

His face is hard and stoic like always, his blue eyes piercing as he stands beside Rowl. An angel, a demon, the God of Death, and the God of Life are currently in my house. What's next? Hopefully nothing. Suddenly, something else does appear, but it makes me sigh into the air with relief.

Zeuxis appears beside my bed with Azrael close by, faces set in dagger-like glares. What the hell is happening?

Davion appears on my window sill, cawing with his mate beside him. I never met his mate normally besides the time I rescued her, but she stares at me with wide eyes. I turn to Grim with wide eyes and he almost snarls as footsteps start to come up our staircase. I can tell whatever is on it's way up, it's bad. To put it simply. I can feel the animus feelings falling off of Grim as he notices who is currently walking up my houses steps. My house. Is this where the battle is going to take place?

Malignity itself waltz up my stairs and right into me so powerful it makes me grimace. Whoever if here, I can tell that they aren't here for a nice chit-chat.

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