First mission with the team

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"Y/N remember while time traveling you must be very discreet. Make sure nobody knows you're from a different era. "
" I know papa. I'm a big girl now. I can take care of myself. Beside you have to focus more on Miranda and baby Jonas. I'll be back in a week. Love you papa"

" Love you too my little angel see you soon"

" Send my love to them?"

" Always. Be safe."

"Dad?" It was just another dream. There had becoming more current now. I guess being back home brought back a lot of memories.

The legends where dealing with the last of the anachronism. So I decided to stay in bed. I had left my room just the way it was. With pictures of mom and dad even of Miranda and Jonas. He would have been twelve this week.

I was sitting in the window of the bridge reading Sherlock Holmes again. When I heard the crew walking in. I wasn't listening to what they where talking about until a call from director Sharpe came telling us to go to there headquarters back in D.C.

"Alright who told Ava about the dragon?"

Zari,Ray and Nate each pointed to each other.

"Alright it doesn't matter cause we are all going has a team. That includes you y/n."

"You know technically I'm not apart of this team seeing that you all live in my house. Sorry Mom no offense. So I don't have to go."

"She does have a point captain Lance. But I would prefer if you go out with the team. You haven't left the waverider since you came home. And no helping the team from here doesn't count. So you are going with them or I will discontinue you access to the library and any book here. Do you understand me young lady."

" I like you Gideon. Who know you could be so bossy and to you're daughter no less." Mick said while taking a drink from his beer.

When did he had time to get it anyway?

"You heard Mami angel face go get ready. If where getting busted so are you."

Some times I wish I could knock him unconscious again. Urgg

We soon arrived at the time bureau and Gary was the one to show us the way. I felt sorry for him. They keep on harassing him if her told Ava anything.

We soon came to a room that was dark. Let's just say I don't do dark unknown places. I quickly grab on to Ray's arm. Him being the only one I told about my little fear.

Till the lights turn on and people screaming surprise. Turns out it was a congratulations party for fixing the last of the anachronism. The party stated to die down so I toke that chance to leave with Zero and Ray. Mick and Nate has gone some where else and Sara was long gone.

" I hope you enjoyed your evening."
Ray and Zari started telling mom everything I just went to my room.

Around 1:32am

" I knew I should have eaten something before going to sleep." I talked to my self while walking to the gallery.

I stop and open the fridge to get the chocolate cake that I had done earlier that day only to find it gone.

"Where's my cake?"

"You mean this cake angel face?"
I literally froze. My legs turned to ice and I couldn't move.

" I told you not to scare me Mick. What are you looking at?"

"Nothing just never took you for the over size shirt with short's pajama type. You look more like the jersey type to me. But that doesn't look so bad on you."

If dad was here.

" Who said you could eat my cake?"

"No one, just say it there. I was hungry so I took it. Last good by the way."

"Thank you. I take pride in what a make." I said while taking a piece

"How said you could have a piece of my cake ?"
" Well technically it's my cake by I'll share with you since you said it was good. In exchange don't tell anyone I haven't even let Ray try it. Deal?"


What came the next day was going to be fun and terrifying.

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