Part 12

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 OKay I know its been along time I dont write here. But anyway here goes nothing. So after we save the president things went down hard. Ray body was taking over by Nero. he killed Nath's dad, took over Palmer tech all while creating an app to trap monster. Almost open a portal to down below. In between other things. My date with Mick never happen. Each time we would try to go on a date something or someone always interrupted. So we put it aside for the time being.

Oh yeah did I told you that Nate died. But we where brought him back with the help of is dad and Zari. Which it seem i'm the only one that remember her or at least some parts of her. i've been writing everything done just case. 

Has if things went bad enough. We have another crisis in our hands. The infinite earth are in danger and let me tell you being one of the paragon is no fun. Especially when you see so many people you love and care about die, world you have never seen all disappear in matters of seconds and a friend we all love died to save the universe.

Sara, Ray and me we are at the Queen mansion. Why you ask . Well when Oliver restarted the universe he gave everyone or almost everyone a clean start. His mom, his best friend, Sara's dad they are alive. And are together with us in his funeral. Along with Barry, Kara, Felicity and the daugther Mia from the future. She looks just like him. 

The city did a statue to remember all the thing he did for us. So that the future generation will always remember that they have here now because a great man gave his life so that others could live on. 

Oliver where ever you are I hope you are in peace and safe. Till we see you  again. 

I'll leave it till here. Good night.

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