Chapter one: how it all began

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Marks POV ( marks point of view :) )
"Get up Mark !" My mom shouted, I gave a loud sigh. "Get your ass out of bed! You don't want to be late for your first day of senior year do you ?" She asked raising her eyebrows up and down before setting a bowl of cereal on my desk . "Thanks...." I mumbled ungratefully .

Once dressed in my blazer, a black tie , a white shirt , some long grey pants and my pointed shoes , I tip toed down our slanted stairs hoping my brother Thomas wouldn't notice me .
"Where you off to looking all smart , not after a chick are you ?" My older brother giggled , "shut up Thomas I'm off to school , you know fine well I haven't had a crush since freshman year , too bad she moved ...." I sighed remembering her soft blue eyes . Her name was Ellie , she was the most beautiful thing you could ever see , her parents owned a really big company down the road , and didn't want me interfering, so ... they sent Ellie of to private school , blocked all contacts of me , and got a pathetic restraining order set against me and my WHOLE family ! I was depressed for weeks until my friends , Tyler Schied , Ethan Nestor , and Kathryn , started hanging out with me more often and cheering me up . I knew I had to move on and looking back on this event 7 years later seems so stupid .

I hugged my mom goodbye , unwillingly might I add , and waited around impatiently for the buss to arrive . It's always 5 minutes late but mom always insists on throwing me out the door early . Nobody else is around really , apart from the post man , a goth kid named Kyla , and a small first year girl blushing at me .

"Hi-I" she nervously says blushing like crazy , I face away and roll my eyes before replying "hey." I'm used to the attention from the girls but no one seems to like me for me , they really want me for my looks and my house , or my older brother. "Your M-ark right-t-t!" She shouts awkwardly but shyly . "Yeh so how do you know?"I reply hoping to end this conversation as quickly as possible.
"Lyla , Amy , Elise , and Kodi where talking about you being h-hot in the girls bathroom"she replied hoping I didn't respond .
"Well , um , you guys are legit 12 and I'm 18 , you guys legit came from the womb 5 seconds ago , and I haven't really took a liking to anyone yet" I respond as she snakes closer to me . She pulls me into a hug , I push away hoping to get away from this crazy pre teen just as the bus arrives . Few.

I step onto the buss to see Ethan sitting alone , I hope in the seat next to him just about to explain what just happened "i-I" begin to tell him before he stops me , "I watched it all from the window , she's so crushing on you," he smirked . " Ew" I snarled " there so young" .
We laughed it off and continued our conversation right until we got of the bus and headed to the assembly hall which the school met up in every morning before heading of to class .

I begin to walk in and try to sit next to Ethan , Tyler , and kaythryn , scrolling through my Twitter recommendation section . I fall to the ground dazed . A girl with bright , sparkly eyes and curled blond hair lied on top of me , her papers spread everywhere. The whole school turns round to face the show they now have before we make eye contact for a split second .

I help her pick up her things before introducing myself . "Hi I'm mark , Mark Fishbach" I confidently say , offering her a hand to get up .
"Hi mark I'm Amy , Amy Nelson , I just moved here from California, Ohio is great ," she said blushing like crazy .
"Where are my manners !? Sorry for knocking you over !" I say biting my lip hoping for a calm response.
"It was my clumsy fault !"she laughs . " here I'll make it up to you , come sit with me and my friends , there really nice and you'll get to know them in no time ! You coming !?" I yell over excitedly , she takes my hand as I lead her to my friends introducing her before the head teacher ( or principal) begins his morning speech of inspiration.

Authors note : for the 1% of you that read this comment if you want to see some smut or give some suggestions for the next chapter if I get bored I'll write it today still but it's 12 pm and super late and I have school tomorrow but hey ho ! Comment suggestions if you enjoyed !
- Anonymous

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